You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.







Firefox would incorrectly show CommitSkipValidate event outputs in black or white instead of the intended gold color.

Event outputs of type CommitSkipValidate are now correctly shown using a gold color in Firefox.


For DCM 2, when the throw message event or scheduler was called and the Case Engine had no interaction with the application yet, the Case Engine would crash.

We initialize the process engine for the application if it's not used before.



Encore would not restore the scroll position within large domain schemas, as well as forgetting to remember the project validation split ratio and the selected data mapping unit test when switching between views.

Encore now remembers these aspects when switching between views.


Audit Consumer, Customer Data Service, DCM Dashboard, DCM Lists Service, Gateway, Maintenance App

CVE-2023-41080 was detected on apache tomcat

Fixed by upgrading apache tomcat to [10.1.13


Maintenance App

After the last Spring update in the Maintenance App, the security matcher used need to be specified as either Ant or MVC matchers. The application does not start in an application server. It does start as a standalone application.

Changed the request matching to a valid option.



When hovering over tree items in the validation report, the hover interaction was missing.

Hover interaction is no longer missing.


Encore, studio

After deleting the last branch in a repository the repository becomes unusable.

Deleting the last branch is no longer possible (disabled). To delete the last branch in a repository, the repository needs to be deleted and recreated.


Deleting elements that are part of merge conflicts would not properly update those conflicts

The Studio Server now properly updates relevant merge conflicts when elements are removed


JAVA Runtime

The project starters did not contain all optional components

These components have been added


JAVA Runtime

When no task mappings are defined on a flow a NullPointerException is thrown.

A proper exception that explains there are no task mappings available is thrown.


JAVA Runtime

When exporting a profile through a AQ_Report service call to a database it might fail when certain control characters are present as values, thus creating invalid XML.

AQ_Report now sanitizes the XML string from all control characters except tabs, spaces and new lines.

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