You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

What is it for?

Data mappings are used to facilitate the exchange of data between modules with (potentially) differing domain models. 

A data mapping is used in case of the next situations:

  • Between a Process module and an Implementation module data has to be exchanged, for example to determine which tasks should be executed;

  • Between an - for example generated while importing a WSDL - Implementation module and another Implementation module, to create the input and read from output of the webservice.

The data mapping editor is one of the most advanced editors in Blueriq Encore, it enables you to:

  1. Model (edit) your data mapping for a wide range of mapping scenarios.
  2. Simulate your data mapping to help you understand how your data is being mapped.
  3. Model unit tests for your data mapping to ensure quality. 

The data mapping editor is designed to support the Business Engineer while modelling a high quality data mapping. To ensure this, the three aforementioned functionalities are all combined in one view, which may feel a bit overwhelming at first glance:

The following figure shows the different sections of the data mapping editor.

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