You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

A content style defines the structure of a component, in this case a document. 

See also Documents guide.

Document Content Styles

Content style nameDescriptionExtra
AddressBlockParagraph of address lines, e.g., for a letter. Has a fixed place on the page, should be placed in Header or HeaderFirst.
AddressLineOne line in an address block.
AnchorThe node with this style is placed in a numbered item, such as chapter or paragraph to create a reference to this item. A second node with the same text and content style link is used to refer to this Anchor node. The content of the node is not shown in the final document.
AttributeOne attribute-value pair (attribute title and attribute value). Should be placed in AttributeList.
AttributeListA list of attribute-value pairs. Has a fixed place on the page, should be placed in Header or HeaderFirst.
AttributeTitleThe title part of an attribute-value pair. Should be placed in Attribute.
AttributeValueThe value part of an attribute value pair. Should be placed in Attribute.
BackgroundImageA node with this style and an image as its content adds an image as a background of the content item. See also content style Watermark.
BodyThe main content of a document, i.e., excluding page title, TOC, index, etc.
BookmarksShow bookmarks in the final document (PDF only). Add this style to an empty node directly below the document root node.
ColophonText that describes meta information about a document, e.g., author, version, publishing information. Has a fixed place on the page, should be placed in Header or HeaderFirst.
ColophonLineA line in a colophon.
ColumnFormats the contained content item into one column on a page.
ColumnBreakForces the end of a column.
DocumentTitleTitle of the document. Has a fixed place on the page, should be placed in Header or HeaderFirst.
EmptyLineAn empty vertical space with the height of a text line.
FooterText that is shown at the bottom of every page, except the first page. Used for page numbers etc.
FooterFirstText that is shown at the bottom of the first page. If no content item with FooterFirst is present, the Footer content item is used.
FooterLastText that is shown at the bottom of the last page. If no content item with FooterLast is present, the Footer content item is used.
HeaderText that is shown at the top of every page, except the first page. Used for page title, etc.
HeaderFirstText that is shown at the top of the first page.  If no content item with HeaderFirst is present, the Header content item is used.


Text that is shown at the top of the Last page.  If no content item with HeaderLast is present, the Header content item is used.
Heading1Highest level of hierarchical paragraphs. Contains Heading1Title for the actual title, and also the text of the paragraphs
Heading1TitleThe title of a heading 1.
Heading2Second level of hierarchical paragraphs. Contains Heading2Title for the actual title, and also the text of the paragraphs.
Heading2Title The title of a heading 2.
Heading3Third level of hierarchical paragraphs. Contains Heading3Title for the actual title, and also the text of the paragraphs.
Heading3Title The title of a heading 3.
Heading4Fourth level of hierarchical paragraphs. Contains Heading4Title for the actual title, and also the text of the paragraphs.
Heading4Title The title of a heading 4.
Heading5Fifth level of hierarchical paragraphs. Contains Heading5Title for the actual title, and also the text of the paragraphs.
Heading5Title The title of a heading 5.
HorizontalLineHorizontal line over the full width of the containing element.
KeepTogetherAttempt to keep child content items together on one page.


This content style will trigger the letter margins.
LinkStyle to be used to create a reference to an Anchor. This style is placed on a node with the anchor node's text in it. The text of this item will be replaced by the reference to the numbered item that contains the Anchor node.


An enumerated or bulleted list.
ListClosingSignAn enumerated or bulleted list. Closes every item with a semicolon ';', and the last item with a period '.'.
ListElementOne item in an enumerated or bulleted list.
MetaMeta information that must show up in the document's xml but not in the final document can be placed in a node with this content style.
PageBreakSetting this content style forces a page break.
PageNumberInserts a page number.
ParagraphThis content style shows a paragraph with a little white space first.
PDFAWith this content style the pdf is generated as PDF/A1-b compliant pdf. Place it on any node in your document to trigger this feature.
PlaceholderGive the text a absolute positioning on the page. This positioning is set through a custom presentationstyle.
ReferenceReference of a document. Parent style for ReferenceTitle and ReferenceValue.
ReferenceTitleTitle of a reference. Should be placed in a Reference.
ReferenceValueValue of a reference. Should be placed in a Reference.
TableCellTable cell. Should be inserted in a table line.
TableFooterThe bottom line of a table, used for summations etc. Note that this element is repeated on each page when the table is large.
TableHeaderThe top line of a table, used for column headings etc. Note that this element is repeated on each page when the table is large.
TableOfContentsContent style that expands into a table of contents.
TableOfContents_FooterText that is shown at the bottom of page showing the table of contents.
TableOfContents_HeaderHeader for the page showing the table of contents.
TableRowOne row in a table, containing "normal" contents, i.e., not column headings or summations.
WatermarkAdds an image as a background of the page. This style should be used directly after the Body style. See also content style Backgroundimage.

It is possible to add new content styles. This can be done can be added to this list, see: Content style.

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