You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Corresponding with release


This library contains all elements for storing data in Aggregates.

Changes in this version

  • added containertype AQ_Statistic_Aggregate

Container types in this version

Container type nameDescription
AQ_Aggregate_ListThe AQ_Aggregate_List is used for displaying a (filtered) list of Aggregates on a Page. This list can display (custom) metadata and Buttons that trigger Events.
AQ_Statistic_AggregateA container that receives information from the aggregate database to show in the AQ_Statistic_Visualization.

Service types in this version

Service type nameDescription
AQ_Aggregate_CountThis service counts stored aggregate entries and returns the number of entries.

AQ_Aggregate_Create is used for creating (=storing) a defined aggregate


AQ_Aggregate_Delete is used for deleting a stored Aggregate


AQ_Aggregate_Read is used for loading a stored Aggregate into the profile based on a (known) Aggregate Id

AQ_Aggregate_SearchThis service search for stored aggregate entries and returns their IDs.

AQ_Aggregate_Update is used for updating an already created (=stored) aggregate

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