You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

For many presentation style a more broader name has been chosen, so its usage can be more versatile. For instance the presentation style 'Transparent' currently is used to display containers background as transparent but could also be used to display other components as transparent/ 

Presentation Styles

LibraryNew Presentation StyleDescription
BlueriqThemeButtonIs used whenever something is displayed as a link and it must be displayed as button instead. (for instance: Document link)
BlueriqThemeFlatButtonIs used to display buttons without having a border and a transparent background
BlueriqThemeIntroductionDisplays containers as transparent with a small image in the top left corner

Displays containers as transparent.
Can be used versatile.

BlueriqThemeAccentDisplays buttons with a secondary chosen color.
Can be used versatile.
BlueriqThemeTertiaryDisplays buttons with a tertiary chosen color.
Can be used versatile.

Can be used on a single-valued domain-list to have auto completion on a select.

Can be used in combination with multi-valued attributes to have a auto completion on a chiplist

BlueriqThemeLargeTextDisplays a input field as text-area

Displays a container relative to its parent container on the right.


Displays the content of a container horizontally.

Display the domain as horizontal options.
For single valued fields, radio buttons are used and for multi-valued fields checkboxes are used.

Can be used versatile.
BlueriqThemeVerticalDisplay the domain as vertical options.
For single valued fields, radio buttons are used and for multi-valued fields checkboxes are used. 
BlueriqThemeAnimationCan be used to animate statistic charts (like pie, bar etc.)
BlueriqThemeStatisticPieDisplays a pie chart
BlueriqThemeStatisticBarDisplays a bar chart
BlueriqThemeStatisticDoughnutDisplays a doughnut chart
BlueriqThemeStatisticRadarDisplays a radar chart
BlueriqThemeStatisticLineDisplays a line chart
BlueriqThemeStatisticPolarDisplays a polar chart
BlueriqThemeSwitchDisplays a checkbox as a slide toggle
Example: Weight6

Within a `Horizontal` container, children can have presentation styles like `Weight<number>`

If you have a child with `Weight3` and another child with `Weight1`, the total weight number would be 4. The first child will take 3/4th of the available horizontal space and the second child would take 1/4th.


Icons can be displayed on buttons and as a prefix for display names on containers. Instead of having a fixed list of icons, you can now choose from all the font-awesome icons of the current library version the front-end is using.

Icons used from the font-awesome library should be prefixed with  `icon_`

Some icons contain characters that are not allowed in studio to use (like '-'), these characters should be replaced with lowerdash _

So for example:

  • Font-awesome icon `exclamation-sign` in studio becomes `icon_exclamation_sign`

For what icons you can use, look at:

Note that not all icons work, since it depends on what version of font-awesome the frontend is using

Upgrading to a newer version of font-awesome could mean that some renaming has been done by font-awesome and this should also be done in the model

Content Styles

LibraryNew Presentation StyleDescription
BlueriqThemeResponsiveThe width of the content on the page is dependent on the width of the window.
BlueriqThemeSmallThe content on the page is narrow.
BlueriqThemeMediumThe content on the page is medium.

The content on the page is large.

BlueriqThemeFullContent on the page should take the full width.
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Above it states 'Vertical' is a presentation style in the BlueriqTheme. However I can't find it in version 1.0.2 even though it doesn't seem to have been removed based on the 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 release notes. Was 'Vertical' not added or was it removed at some point?