You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.


Actuator endpoints provide real-time insights and management capabilities. These endpoints expose information about your application's health, metrics, and various operational aspects. This documentation will guide you on how to add a user and how to call these endpoints.

How to add a user

Only users with role ROLE_ACTUATOR can access endpoints. To add a user, follow these steps:

  1. Add the following configuration properties to blueriq-customerdata-odata-service-v1.yml. This will add user with username "blueriq" and password "welcome" and assign the role ACTUATOR to it.

          name: blueriq
          password: '{noop}welcome'
           - ACTUATOR

How to call endpoints

Currently, only the /health endpoint is enabled.

Actuator can be called using HTTP protocol:

Make sure to replace "{url}" with application domain.

GET http://{url}/api/v1/actuator/health
Authorization: Basic blueriq welcome