You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

What is it for?

An entity relationship diagram (ERD) provides a visual representation of how a selection of entities, attributes, and relations relate to each other.

How to use the ERD

After creating the ERD, an empty canvas will appear. You are now free to create a readable overview of your domain model:

  • add entities (right click on an empty spot in the canvas),
  • reorder entities using drag and drop,
  • resize entities using the resize handle in the bottom right of the entity,
  • show/hide attributes within an entity (double click on the entity),
  • show hide the relation name (select the relation first and then use the eye-icon),
  • remove en entity from the canvas (right click on the entity),
  • reroute relations by adding or removing waypoints (double click on the relation to to this),
  • navigate to an entity or attribute (ctrl+click or shift+ click).

Contrary to other elements, the ERD is not used by the runtime. It is only used for providing a visual representation in Blueriq Encore. The ERD is therefore not included in the project export.

  • No labels