You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.
A process is used to model specify business process in a graphical representation.
A process task is used as a placeholder in the process engine. The execution of task is done in an implementation module, where it is possible to use pages and flows.
A process event is similar to a flow event, and is used to indicate exits on a task. You use it when creating process tasks and when defining a task mapping.
A message event represents a message which you can send to the process engine to start a case or influence an already running case.
A task mapping is used to define what should be done when a user starts and ends a task.
Authorization algorithms are available within the process module to assure a task can only be performed by users with the right role.
Prioritization algorithms are available within the process engine so tasks can be sorted in the work list.
A routing algorithm assures a task will only be available for users with the right role and team or user.