You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Corresponding with release


Changes in this version:

  • removed container type AQ_Chart_EasyPie
  • removed container type AQ_Dashboard_Comment
  • removed container type AQ_Dashboard_CommentList
  • removed container type AQ_Timeline
  • removed content style timeline
  • added content style menubar
  • added presentation style logout_link

Content styles in this version

Content style name


dashboard_bodyThis content style indicates the body of the dashboard. (note that this is used in combination with dashboard_header, dashboard_menu and dashboard_footer)
dashboard_footerThis content style indicates the footer of the dashboard. (note that this is used in combination with dashboard_header, dashboard_menu and dashboard_body)
dashboard_headerThis content style indicates the header of the dashboard. (note that this is used in combination with dashboard_menu, dashboard_body and dashboard_footer)
dashboard_menuThis content style indicates the menu of the dashboard. (note that this is used in combination with dashboard_header, dashboard_body and dashboard_footer, and requires a sub container with Content style menubar)
dashboard_rowThis content style indicates a row.
dashboard_column1..12Deprecated. Dashboard column weight 1-12. This is supported as legacy, it is preferable to use the dashboard_column Content Style and the Weight<N> Presentation Style.
dashboard_columnThis content style indicates a column in a dashboard_row. Use the Weight<N> Presentation Style to indicate the width relative to the other columns.
dashboard_widgetRenders the content of a widget as a tile.
menubarContent styling to be used to style a container as a menubar. The content style works for buttons and containers containing buttons.

Presentation styles in this version

Presentation style name


authenticated_userThe presentation style shows a default picture with its own background color.
color1..6Color for graph.
logout_linkThis presentation style creates a link to log out.

Container types in this version

Container type name



This container represents a widget in a dashboard that is able to run its own flow in a separate session. It can react on portal messages.


This container allows you to react on portal messages. It is an invisible container that gives you exits on a page which can be triggered by a portal message.


Use this container to display a page from another project.


This container type represents a widget in a dashboard, to run in the dashboard session. It cannot react on portal messages.

Service types in this version

Service type name



This service can be used to throw a message event towards the dashboard (portal). You select a defined portal message and fill the content of the message with expressions in the context of your current scope.
  • No labels