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TSL FOREACH IN statement
Use this statement to repeat a text for a subset of instances of an entity.
[[[FOREACH entity IN relation]]] message [[[/FOREACH]]]
entity: is the child entity
relation: is the relationship between the parent and the child entity
message: is a TSL message, so it can contain plain text and other TSL conditions
Suppose you created a parent and a child entity. The parent has a multivalue relation with the child via the attribute Parent.Has_Children.
If the following instances where created:
Parent instance | Parent.Name | Child instance | Child.Name | Child.Date_of_birth |
Parent_1 | John | Child_1 | Kim | 26-September-1998 |
Child_2 | Rick | 13-May-2000 | ||
Child_3 | Bob | 3-August-2003 | ||
Parent_2 | Dave | Child_4 | Mary | 4-June-1982 |
To create an overview of the children per parent you could create the following TSL message:
[[[FOREACH Parent]]] [[[Parent.Name]]] has children: [[[FOREACH Child IN Parent.Has_children]]] Name: [[[Child.Name]]] Date of birth: [[[Child.Date_of_birth]]], [[[/FOREACH]]] [[[/FOREACH]]]
This results in:
John has children: Name: Kim Date of birth: 26-09-1998, Name: Rick Date of birth: 13-05-2000, Name: Bob Date of birth: 03-08-2003 Dave has children: Name: Mary Date of birth: 04-06-1982
If we leave out the outer iteration [[[FOREACH Parent]]] the system would use the ‘current-instance’ of the Parent entity. In this case we are responsible for selecting an instance of the Parent entity before using this message.
You can combine the IN, WHERE and ORDER BY if you wish. Example:
Persons older than 40: [[[FOREACH Person IN TestEntity.rel WHERE Person.Age>10 ORDER BY Person.Age Asc]]] [[[Person.Name]]], [[[Person.Age]]]; [[[/FOREACH]]]