You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.


Returns a multivalued string attribute containing every substring that is delimited by the given pattern. 


SPLIT string ON pattern
SPLIT ( string , pattern )


  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • pattern - An attribute of base type string or a string value. String must be a valid regular expression. The regular expressions used in several Blueriq Studio functions are common Java 1.4 expressions. For a complete documentation we refer to the online java documentation.

Return type

  • string (multivalued)


SPLIT "Hello world" ON "o"[ "Hell" , " w" , "rld" ]String (multivalued)
SPLIT ( "Hello world" , "a" )[ "Hello world" ]String (multivalued)
SPLIT "Hello" ON "o"[ "Hell" ]String (multivalued)
SPLIT ( "ooo" , "o" )[ ]String (multivalued)
SPLIT ( "bot" , "o" )[ "b" , "t" ]String (multivalued)
SPLIT ( "boot" , "o" )[ "b" , "", "t" ]String (multivalued)
SPLIT ( "booot" , "o" )[ "b" , "", "t" ]String (multivalued)
To remove dots from a string in combination with the JOIN function:
JOIN ( SPLIT ( "H.E.L.L.O" , "\.") , "" )"HELLO"String

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