The following mask types are available in the Blueriq library:
Mask type | Base type | Description |
AQ_DatePattern | date, dateTime | Applies a date(-time) format with a specific pattern to a date(-time) value. |
AQ_FirstToUpperCase | string | Converts the first character of a string to upper case and the rest of the string to lowercase. |
AQ_NumberPattern | integer, number, currency, percentage | Applies a number format with a specific pattern to an numerical value. |
AQ_OrdinalNumber | integer | Displays an ordinal number for an integer value. |
AQ_RegularExpression | string, number, integer, currency, percentage | Replaces each substring of a string value that matches a given regular expression with the given replacement. |
AQ_RomanInteger | integer | Displays an integer value in roman numerals. |
AQ_SetCase | string | Displays a string value in upper or lower |
AQ_SpelledBoolean | boolean | Displays a boolean value in words. |
AQ_SpelledCurrency | currency | Displays a currency value in words. |
AQ_SpelledDayOfWeek | integer | Displays a weekday in words. |
AQ_SpelledDeltaDate | date, dateTime | Displays the difference between a date and today in words and integers. |
AQ_SpelledInteger | integer | Displays an integer value in words. |
AQ_SpelledMonth | integer | Displays a month in words. |
AQ_SpelledNumber | number | Displays a number value in words. |