Fields are a means to create separation between the page model and the domain model.

The Fields are elements to be added on pages and they come as an addition to the dedicated Attribute elements. More precisely the Fields can be used as wrappers for Attributes and in this way they can provide a division of responsibility: the fields can handle the user interaction elements (presentation styles, field length, the possibility to edit the value in the field etc) while the attributes can exclusively take care of the actual domain model (i.e. the values that are being transacted).

Configuring fields

After adding an inline field to a page, the following properties will become available for configuration of inline fields only if the field type allows it:

Field type

A global element which defines the template of the field. The field type establishes which properties of the inline field can be configured and in what way. For more details see Field type.

PreconditionThis expression is evaluated in order to determine if the inline field is placed on a page. Only when this expression evaluates to TRUE is its containment placed on the page. 
Read-onlyThis property determines if the inline field should be editable or read only. This can be either TRUE, FALSE or conditional.
RequiredThis property determines if the inline field should be required. This can be either TRUE, FALSE or conditional.
Display lengthThe display length of the field. 
RefreshThis property determines if the inline field is refreshable. This can be either TRUE or FALSE.
Presentation StylesA fixed list of conditional Presentation Styles that are provided by the Field Type.
Parameters Text

A fixed list of Parameters that are provided by the Field Type. The value of a Text Parameter is the plain text of the selected Content Item from the selector. There is a list of predefined field types and parameters that are suitable for the primitive Data Types in Blueriq and these can be found in the Aquima Library. For example, for String attributes, we have the following Text Parameters that can be filled in: 

  1. Question: The Question text of the attribute. If this Text Parameter is not given any value, then the Question Text from the output attribute will be displayed on the page.
  2. Explain: The Explain text of the attribute. If this Text Parameter is not given any value, then the Explain Text from the output attribute will be displayed on the page.
  3. Placeholder: The placeholder text to be displayed in the filed from the page. 
Parameters PrimitiveA fixed list of Parameters that are provided by the Field Type. The value of a Primitive Parameter is an expression. 
OutputThe entity and attribute of which is going to be displayed on the page. The data type of the attribute must match the one defined in the field type.