Structural updates have been made to the Blueriq Documentation. This could mean that pages are not located in the place you are used to finding them. The main changes:

  • Flatter (less hierarchical) structure with more intuitive titles
  • Reference guide contents have been split across relevant topics
  • Design guides moved to Knowledge Base

If you find errors, such as broken links, please leave a comment (or edit if you have editor rights!)


What can I do with Blueriq?

  • Blueriq features
  • Installation
  • Example projects
  • Release notes
  • etc.

Knowledge Base

How should I use Blueriq?

  • Design guides
  • How-tos
  • Troubleshooting

What is new

Blueriq Products

Blueriq Studio

Create Blueriq models

Execute Blueriq projects

Lift your models to a higher level

Get a detailed insight in your models

Blueriq Control Center
Efficiently manage your projects