Use this mask type to change the way a date or dateTime value is displayed in Blueriq Encore documents.
Parameters Name | Description | Type | Required |
date pattern | a pattern composed of date pattern options and separators | string | true |
To define your own date mask you must compose a date pattern using the following options: Date pattern | Description |
d | Displays the day as a number without a leading zero. | dd | Displays the day as a number with a leading zero when appropriate. | day | Displays the day as a number written in words (“one” to “thirty one”). | dayofweek | Displays the day as a full name (“Sunday” to “Saturday”). | M | Displays the month as a number without a leading zero. | MM | Displays the month as a number with a leading zero when appropriate. | month | Displays the month as a full name (“January” to “December”). | shortmonth | Displays the month as an abbreviation (“Jan to Dec”). | yy | Displays the year as a two-digit number. | yyyy | Displays the year as a four-digit number. | year | Displays the year as a number written in words (e.g. “two thousand and nine”) | h | Displays the hour as a number without a leading zero, based on the 12-hour clock. | HH | Displays the hour as a number with a leading zero, based on the 24-hour clock. | hh | Displays the hour as a number with a leading zero, based on the 12-hour clock. | mm | Displays the minute as a number with a leading zero. | ss | Displays the second as a number with a leading zero. | a | Displays AM for times from midnight until noon and PM for times from noon until midnight. |
The following characters are allowed to be used as separators in a date pattern: Character | Description |
- | Hyphen | , | Comma | . | Period | ; | Semicolon | : | Colon |
| Space |
Supported attribute types
Supported languages Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document. |
Examples To display | as | use this pattern |
12-02-2009 | Thursday 12 Feb. 09 | dayofweek dd shortmonth yy | 12-02-2009 13:12 | Thursday 1:12 AM | dayofweek h:mm a | 12-02-2009 | 2009 | yyyy | 12-02-2009 | February 12 two thousand and nine | month dd year | 12-02-2009 | 12/02/2009 | dd/MM/yyyy |
