Table of contents

This component should not be enabled in a production environment.


This component adds debug/development functionality to the Runtime:


This component is enabled by default, but can be disabled:

To disable this component, the development-tools profile should be disabled. More information on how to configure the application using Spring Profiles can be found here : Application configuration with Spring Profiles.


Shortcut properties

To enable editing of shortcut properties create a file named in the Blueriq config location. Enable the shortcuts Spring profile to make the properties available to the Runtime.

Runtime user properties

To enable editing of Runtime user properties create a file named in the Blueriq config location. You can configure editing behaviour by adding properties to 

# When true, user property passwords will be cryptographically hashed when stored

By default passwords for user properties will be (cryptographically) hashed when you save them through the Development Dashboard. If you want new passwords to be saved in plain text, set the above mentioned property to false.


See the cookbook Using the development dashboard for more information.

Content Security Policy

When using the development tools component, and therefore the development tools dashboard and toolbar, it is required to have the default development tools CSP header configured. When overriding the CSP header else outside of the Blueriq Runtime it is possible that the development tools dashboard and toolbar will not work as expected. For more information please visit the Security: Clickjacking protection page.

Using the development tools with HTTPS

When using https when accessing the runtime and development tools some http headers has to be set in the reverse proxy, for more info : Using a reverse proxy server