Learn more about the conversion functions TEXT, INTEGER, NUMBER, CURRENCY, PERCENTAGE, DATE, DATETIME, BOOLEAN. 

Convert a value of one data type into a value of another data type using conversion functions. The following conversion functions are available:


TEXTConverts a value of another data type into a string. 
INTEGERConverts a value of another data type into an integer. 
NUMBERConverts a value of another data type into a number. 
CURRENCYConverts a value of another data type into a currency.  
PERCENTAGEConverts a value of another data type into a percentage. 
DATEConverts a value of another data type into a date. 
DATETIMEConverts a value of another data type into a datetime. 
BOOLEANConverts a value of a string into a boolean. 

Output formats in the runtime


Output formats in the runtime

Please see the Reference Guide: Language Formats to change how the runtime displays attributes.