Loading exported projects in the Java Runtime can be done in two ways, either by setting the blueriq.exports.folder property or the blueriq.exports.files property inside the application.properties.
When setting the blueriq.exports.folder property, the exports will be loaded from the location set in the spring.config.location property with the blueriq.exports.folder value. For example if the spring.config.location is set to C:/blueriq/runtime/configuration/ and the application.properties uses the properties set in code block below the exports will be loaded from C:/blueriq/runtime/configuration/exports.
blueriq.exports.description=Studio Exports blueriq.exports.prefix=export blueriq.exports.folder=exports blueriq.exports.enabled=true |
When setting the blueriq.exports.files property, the exports will be loaded directly from the absolute paths set in the property. Multiple exports can be set by comma separation, and each absolute path needs to be preceded by the file: protocol, including three slashes.
blueriq.exports.description=Studio Exports blueriq.exports.prefix=export blueriq.exports.files=file:///C:/exports_folder/project_1.zip,file:///C:exports_folder/project_2.zip blueriq.exports.enabled=true |