Routing algorithms are available within the process module to assure a task will only be available for users with the right role and team or user.

 represents the element routing algorithm which is used to create dynamic routing of tasks. The element will be connected to an external source.


When an external source is used, a technical engineer needs to create the algorithm and make it available at runtime. The external algorithm must result in one or more roles, teams or users.

Authorization algorithms can be connected to a task.

At runtime the routing algorithm will at the creation of a task or at a change of the profile of the case evaluate which roles are assigned for the task. On domain change also evaluates when the task is created. The algorithm will result in zero, one or more roles, teams and users. The user must have at least one of the roles and one of the teams to see the task in a worklist. The roles, teams and users will function as filters for the tasks which are available in the worklist.


A user has the role: senior sales and team north


Will see task
senior salesNorthTRUE
junior sales, senior salesNorthTRUE
junior salesNorthFALSE
senior salesSouthFALSE


A user has the roles: senior sales and salesmanager and Teams: North and Groningen


Will see task
senior salesNorthTRUE
junior sales, senior salesGroningenTRUE
junior salesNorthFALSE
junior sales, salesmanagerNorth, FrieslandTRUE


User Jones has the roles: senior sales and salesmanager and Teams: North and Groningen


Will see task
Jonessenior salesNorthTRUE
Johnsonjunior sales, senior salesGroningenFALSE
Jonesjunior salesNorthTRUE
Johnsonjunior sales, salesmanagerNorth, FrieslandFALSE


Overwrite manual assignments

This option determines whether the algorithm should reevaluate tasks that have been manually assigned with the Service call type: AQ_AssignTask. The default value is set to true, which resembles the behavior in the past.

By changing this value to false the routing algorithm will not reevaluate tasks that have been manually assigned. So those tasks are assigned and stay assigned (value in column IsUserSet is set to 1). Clearing the assignee of a task will let the routing algorithm take over again (value will be set to 0).