
Interaction, Webservice, REST

Type of accelerator

Accelerator to speed up development

LicenseMIT License
How to get
CompatibilityBlueriq 12.7 and higher


This connector provides a connection to the Handelsregister Search API of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel). The user can search organisations by name, number, various address properties and combinations thereof. As the Chamber of Commerce charges a monthly and per-request fee, this accelerator also offers a connection to the free test version of the API.

The project (library) KvkConnectorApi contains the contract of the KvkConnector, which other projects (like ExampleUi) can use to connect the connector. The project KvkBaars defines the domain schemas. The flows SearchByNumber and SearchByName ensure that all data will be collected through the service calls. The project ExampleUi shows the collected data and contains one data mapping to map all the data. The data will be collected through a service call through the Baars.

The connector is default connected with the test version of the Api. If you will use the live connection, you need to add the connection property to the application properties: blueriq.connection.KvK.http.url=https://api.kvk.nl/api/v2/testsearch/companies/

For this connector is the API key required.