A parameter is used for displaying additional texts on a field from a page.

A Parameter is a new global element type, which can be referenced by other elements for displaying text values in a specific way. 

Creating a new Parameter

  1. On the Globals tab, in the Others group, click the New parameter icon 
  2. Or activate the Parameters’s list view and use keyboard shortcut CTRL + N.
  3. Fill out the name of the Parameter (required field). 
  4. Select the type of the Parameter. 
  5. Click Save or Save and Close.

Parameter types 

Parameters can have the following types :

  1. Primitive : this is the default type. If a parameter is a primitive, a desired data type can be also selected. When referenced in another element, it will be possible to assign a value to the parameter, consisting in an expression resulting in the selected primitive data type. 
  2. Text : If a parameter is of type text, when referenced in another element, it will be possible to assign a value to the parameter, consisting in a multilingual text.