Blueriq provides IExternalFlowStore interface which can be used to interact with a generic datastore. A default implementation is already provided in the Blueriq External Flow Component. If other datastore implementation is desired the following have to be done:

<project ...>
package ...;

// other imports ...

public class CustomExternalFlowStore implements IExternalFlowStore {

  public void delete(String key) 
    throws ExternalFlowStoreException, IllegalArgumentException {
    // add implementation here

  public <T extends Serializable> T get(String key, Class<T> valueType) 
    throws ExternalFlowStoreException,    IllegalArgumentException {   
    // add implementation here
    return null; 

  public boolean hasKey(String key) 
    throws ExternalFlowStoreException, IllegalArgumentException {    
    // add implementation here
    return false;

  public void set(String key, Serializable value) 
    throws ExternalFlowStoreException, IllegalArgumentException {
    // add implementation here

Example Hazelcast Datastore

Here is a example Hazelcast implementation of the datastore.

Adding the dependencies

The following dependencies are required in the pom.xml

<project ...>

Implementing the IExternalFlowStore Interface

Please make sure that HazelcastExternalFlowStore component is scanned by Spring.

package ...;

// other imports ...

public class HazelcastExternalFlowStore implements IExternalFlowStore {

  private final IMap<String, Serializable> map;

  public HazelcastExternalFlowStore() {
    ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
    // configure Hazelcast properties here
    HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance
      = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(config);
    map = hazelcastInstance.getMap("blueriq");

  public void delete(String key) 
    throws ExternalFlowStoreException, IllegalArgumentException {
    if (isInvalid(key)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key.");

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ExternalFlowStoreException("Something went wrong", e);

  public <T extends Serializable> T get(String key, Class<T> valueType)
      throws ExternalFlowStoreException, IllegalArgumentException {
    if (isInvalid(key)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key.");

    try {
      Serializable storedValue = map.get(key);
      if (storedValue == null) {
        return null;

      if (valueType.isInstance(storedValue)) {
        return valueType.cast(storedValue);

      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          String.format("Cannot cast from %s to %s.", 
            storedValue.getClass(), valueType));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ExternalFlowStoreException("Something went wrong", e);

  public boolean hasKey(String key) 
    throws ExternalFlowStoreException, IllegalArgumentException {
    if (isInvalid(key)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key.");

    try {
      return map.get(key) != null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ExternalFlowStoreException("Something went wrong", e);

  public void set(String key, Serializable value) 
    throws ExternalFlowStoreException, IllegalArgumentException {
    if (isInvalid(key)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key.");

    try {
      map.set(key, value, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ExternalFlowStoreException("Something went wrong", e);


  private boolean isInvalid(String key) {
    // define what an invalid key means
    return false;
