Table of contents 


This component is used to view and start projects that have been published to this environment by the Publisher. The published projects are shown in the dashboard of the Development tools component. When the Runtime is started, the Publisher clients creates a datasource for the Artifactory, containing the published projects. A task runs in the background that checks periodically (by default every 60 seconds) whether projects are updated, added, or deleted. When there is a change, the datasource is reloaded, so that the new projects can be started.


The "publisher-client-artifactory" profile must be enabled.


In order to use this component, the publisher-client-artifactory profile must be active. More information on how to configure the application using Spring Profiles can be found here : Application configuration with Spring Profiles.


The contains the configuration of the Artifactory that the plugin connects to.

#blueriq.publisher-client.environmentName: The name of the environment (required). This should be the same name as the name of the Artifacory in the Publisher configuration.
#blueriq.publisher-client.serverUrl=The URL on which to locate the Artifactory to connect to.
#blueriq.publisher-client.repository=The name of the repository configured in Artifactory.
#blueriq.publisher-client.username=The username to use to connect to the Artifactory.
#blueriq.publisher-client.password=The password to use to connect to the Artifactory.



This component uses Artifactory PRO. The repository created in Artifactory to deploy and load projects needs to be configured using a 'generic' package type and 'maven-2-default' layout.


The publisher client Artifactory component will add a "Publisher Database" section to the "Start Flow" widget in the development tools dashboard. Here the published projects from the configured environment will be listed. These projects can be used like any other project (eg. from Studio or from an Export).