A page is used for displaying parts of the application to the user. 

What is it?

A page is an interaction element used to communicate with your application users. A page is a type of Containment, an interaction element that can group attributes, text or other elements together. You can style a page to give it a different look and feel.

How to – create a new page

  1. Select the Home tab

  2. From the Interaction group select the Page icon
  3. Fill in the required fields
  4. Click on the arrow in the General field, left of the word Page (this opens the Containment field)
  5. Add containment to the page


NameThe only obligatory field. It identifies the object. Maximum 50 characters (only letters, numbers and underscores (_)) are allowed.
Functional nameOptional, can be used in documentation
Display nameThis name can be used to display to the user
Content styleAn optional content style
