
The Customerdata Client Component provides the ability to store parts of a profile as an aggregate, perform basic CRUD operations on aggregates, as well as list the aggregates in a dynamic container.

The Customerdata Client (on Java) uses the Customerdata service to store aggregates.


For Java, this component needs the customerdata service. See configuring the customerdata service to enable it.



In order to use this component, the customerdata-client profile must be active. More information on how to configure the application using Spring Profiles can be found here : External application configuration with Spring Profiles.

Add the artifact with groupId com.blueriq and artifactId blueriq-component-customerdata-client as a dependency to your Blueriq runtime POM file if you want to depend on it.


Please note that you need to add the following configuration. There are no default value for these properties, and the project does not run without setting these properties.

Message Keys

The Customerdata Client store component uses the below message keys. These can be added to the file in the  , or to a language specific message properties file.

Message KeyExample ValueDescription
paging.pagePage {0} of {1}

Used for displaying the current page in an aggregate list.

Parameter {0} is mandatory and will be replaced with a field where the user can enter the desired page number. Parameter {1} is optional. If present, it will be replaced with the total number of pages

paging.feedbackDisplaying entries {0} - {1} of {2}

Used for displaying feedback about the entries on the current page.

All parameters are optional. Parameter {0} will be replaced with the index of the first displayed entry, parameter {1} will be replaced with the index of the last displayed entry and parameter {2} with the total number of entries.

For example, if the page size is 10 and there are 100 total entries, then the paging feedback on page 2 would read "Displaying entries 11-20 of 100".

paging.clearClearThe text displayed on the Clear button. This button clears all search filters currently active in an aggregate list.
paging.limit.applied.feedbackThere are too many results, showing only {0} entries

The message displayed when the total number of entries exceeds the soft limit, and the soft limit is applied.

Parameter {0} is optional. If present, it will be replaced with the hard limit.

paging.limit.applied.buttonShow AllThe caption of the "Show All" button when the soft limit is reached and applied. Clicking this button will cause the soft limit to be ignored.
paging.limit.ignored.feedbackShowing all resultsThe message displayed when the total number of entries exceeds the soft limit and the hard limit is ignored.
paging.limit.ignored.buttonShow LessThe caption of the "Show Less" button when the soft limit is reached and ignored. Clicking this button wil cause the soft limit to be applied again. AllThe label of the "Show All" checkbox in search popovers. UnknownThe label of the "Show Unknown" checkbox in search popovers. TrueThe label for the TRUE boolean value in boolean search popovers. This text is used as a fallback when there is no mask on the column. FalseThe label for the FALSE boolean value in boolean search popovers. This text is used as a fallback when there is no mask on the column. AllThe label for the "Select All" checkbox is domain/value list search popovers.
search.todayTodayThe caption of the "Today" button in date search popovers. Clicking this button selects the current date.
search.nowNowThe caption of the "Now" button in datetime search popovers. Clicking this button selects the current date and time.

In the section below, the most common settings as mentioned above are listed. 

# paging
# parameter {0} is mandatory, parameter {1} is optional {0} of {1}
# all parameters are optional entries {0} - {1} of {2}
paging.clear=Clear filters are too many results, showing only {0} entries
paging.limit.applied.button=Show All all results, response times may be slow
paging.limit.ignored.button=Show Less
#search All Unknown True False All

Soft Limit

The Customerdata Client component allows an optional soft limit to be placed on all aggregate lists. The soft limit represents the highest number of aggregates that can be displayed in an aggregate list. When this limit is reached an informative message is displayed. The soft limit affects the reported total number of aggregates and total number of pages. The user has the ability to ignore the soft limit and choose to display all aggregates instead.

To enable the soft limit, place the following line in 
