An external rule is used to implement decisions outside Blueriq. 

For the design guide on how to model logic see Decision Management guide.

What is it?

An external rule is a business rule that is implemented outside Blueriq Studio.

What does it do?

The external rule can be used to set values in the same way as a business rule. It provides an alternative to modeling in Blueriq Studio. Sometimes this is useful when an external system or interface that implements a business rule is already available. A drawback is that external rules cannot be validated by Blueriq Studio. Therefore external rules are assumed to be correct.

How to – create an external rule

  1. Select the Home tab
  2. From the Logic group select the External rule icon
  3. Fill in the required fields
  4. Click Save or Save & close


NameIdentifies the external rule. Maximum 50 characters (only letters, numbers and underscores (_)) are allowed.
Functional NameOptional, can be used in documentation
Justification assetThe Justification asset contains an explanation behind the logic that is used in the external rule. Select the asset from the drop down list.
Action attributesDrop down list entity and attribute  Choose any entity (first drop down list) and attribute (second drop down list) to create the action of the external rule.