Microsoft is slowly moving away from Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) support. As a result more and more companies and organizations are looking to stop supplying IE11 on their user environments. Blueriq is anticipating this moment by developing the successor of Blueriq Studio: Blueriq Encore. Meanwhile, Blueriq Studio still relies on IE11 and XBAP to run properly. For those users that do not have IE11 available we now support Microsoft Edge in (IE11 modus).

To use Microsoft Edge with IE mode, you have to meet prerequisites as listed on the Microsoft site. Additionally, it might be that some adjustments need to be made by you and/or your system administrator to your computer/windows environment to make MS Edge work in IE compatibility mode. These adjustments depend on your scenario. 

There are three scenario's: 

Allow sites to be loaded in IE Mode

Open the "Settings and more" menu

Edge Settings and more

Open "Settings"

Edge Open settings

Select the "Default Browser" option

Edge Settings Defaul Browser

Set "Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode" to "Allow"

Edge Setttings Default Browser Allow sites to be relaoded in Internet Exxplorer mode

Using the IE Mode

You have 2 options to view a site in IE mode.

Switch the open site to IE Mode

Open the "Settings and more" menu

Edge Settings and more

Select "Reload in Internet Explorer mode"

Edge Settings Releoad in Internet Explorer mode

You should see the Internet Explorer Icon before the URL.

Edge Toolbar Internet Explorer mode icon

Add site to list to be opened in IE mode

Site is already in IE Mode (see previous steps)

Click on the IE Mode icon

Enable the option "Open this page in Internet Explorer mode next time"

The site will now be opened in Internet Explorer mode (30 days is the default)

Add site to the Internet Explorer mode pages list directly

Open the "Settings and more" menu

Edge Settings and more

Open "Settings"

Edge Open settings

Select the "Default Browser" option

Edge Settings Defaul Browser

Press the "Add" button in the "Internet Explorer mode pages" section

Fill the URL under "Enter a URL" and press "Add"

The site will now be opened in Internet Explorer mode for 30 days (30 days is the default)

When browsing to the site you should see the Internet Explorer Icon before the URL.

Edge Toolbar Internet Explorer mode icon

If there are group policies enforced it is possible to add/change these using the following guideline:

Please note that it might that certain local changes on your computer might be periodically updated or overwritten again by your group policies. 

If there are group policies enforced on your computer and you do not have the rights to change them, below are the steps described that your system administrator will have take:

In any scenario, XAML browser applications need to be enabled in the security settings of your system, as described here: Studio security setting

Please contact Blueriq Support if you have questions about using Microsoft Edge with IE mode.