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ContentRelease 17.4

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OpenAPI feed brought to the next level

It is now easier than ever to connect to a Blueriq API. For all REST web services in a project, Blueriq already generated a feed using the OpenAPI standard to communicate the interface to its consumers. The result of this feed could, for example, be used in a store with public APIs that can be consumed. In order to make the consumption of Blueriq REST services a smoother experience, the feed now consists of more information:

  • The title and description of the info object can now be edited in Blueriq Encore as demonstrated in the figure below.
  • You can now add an OpenAPI description to fragments, arguments, and headers.
  • All operations within a REST services are grouped, using tags as demonstrated in the figure below. Additionally, a description can be added to these tags.
  • Business Engineers are offered more insight into which for fields in a domain schema a description is present, using the OpenAPI icon in the tree view in domin schema's. 

Click here for an overview of how the Blueriq model is mapped to the OpenAPI specification and stay tuned for even more OpenAPI feed improvements in Blueriq 17.5. 

An example of the OpenAPI specification of a Blueriq service using swagger UI: old (left) vs. new (right).

Outbox poller improvements

There are two processes ensuring that the outbox gets emptied. The first is a transactional listener that empties the outbox after an action on the Case Engine for a specific case ID. The second process is a poller that, scheduled with an interval, empties messages that are not picked up by the transactional listener.

The first poller exists for messages that were missed, so it can have a large interval. This could happen during a restart, for example. The second will ensure that messages, like the delete case messages, are picked up. This has a shorter interval by default. Those intervals are set with default values, so there is no need to change anything. The process outbox will remain almost empty under normal circumstances. When this is not the case in your situation, it is possible to configure the pollers. You can find more information on this topic at

 Improved AQ_File_Move performance

The performance of the AQ_File_Move service call has been improved by introducing new underlying API to the Content Managers. These new adjustments should make the move of a file instantly when moving said file on the same disk or memory connection. Furthermore we have introduced a new Channel API and deprecated the old Inputstream API of the IContentManager. More information on how to implement the a custom content manager can be found here. Look at the upgrade instructions to see which methods have been replaced.


Multi delete and move for globals in Encore

Multi select is now available in the globals overview in Encore allowing to delete/move multiple globals at once.

Cursor automatically set in Encore

Blueriq Encore now sets the cursor automatically to a field so that the user can immediately start typing. Examples are: adding a value list item, pressing the globals button, adding a new element to a container, and more.

Display version of Document Renderer Service

Starting version 2.2.1 and 1.1.3 the Document Renderer Service now displays its version on startup and when running the executable with a `-v` or `--version` command.


Documentation on the new features and improvements of this release is linked in the respective topics.

Upgrade Instructions

See Release 17.4 Upgrade Instructions for the upgrade instructions for this release.

As a best practice

  • backup your repository
  • backup your database before running scripts
  • backup your  directory ([Blueriq installation directory]\Runtime)
  • backup any config files you have altered under [Blueriq installation directory]\Services

before you start the upgrade.


 The Blueriq artifacts are available under name:

This release includes these versions of Blueriq components with a separate life cycle:



Customer Data Service5.0.3
DCM Lists Service4.0.2
Material Theme1.3.4
Development tools frontend2.0.1
DCM Maintenance App5.0.5
Audit Consumer1.0.3
DCM Dashboard Service2.0.2
Gateway Service1.1.0
Document Renderer2.2.1

Blueriq Libraries

There are no specific Library updates for this release.


In this release, the set of third party libraries that is used by Blueriq was updated. When your installation of Blueriq includes custom components (artifacts that do not ship with Blueriq, such as proprietary plugins), those components should be tested for compatibility with these changes.




Version in 17.3.1

Version in 17.4



Apache License 2.0



Retirement announcement

There are no specific retirement announcements.

For a full list of deprecated features, go to Deprecated features.

Bug fixes

Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues

Security notification