This section allows a user to publish or unpublish applications.
First the action has to be chosen. Publish means that a project that exists on an environment will be copied to another environment. Unpublish means that a project that exists on an environment will be removed from that environment.
The Studio environment is a special environment, in the sense that it is always a source environment. It is not possible to publish a project to a Studio environment, and it is also not possible to unpublish a project from a Studio environment. |
The source environment is the environment where the project resides on which the action will be executed. The environments that will be shown here are determined by the configuration of the publisher user that is logged in. In short: an environment will be shown here if that environment is defined in a transition as source (publish action) or destination (unpublish action) and the logged in user has the privileges to execute that action on the transition.
Choosing a source environment, repository, branch and revision will present a list of all available projects. With the help of this list, a selection can be made.
Note that only non-working revisions which are tagged (see Version management) can be published. If uncommitted changes are allowed on an environment, working revisions can be published as well. If a working revision is already deployed on an environment, the previous working revision will be removed beforehand. A project without a tag is the working revision.
The user is able to select multiple projects from one repository but also from different repositories. This can be done by repeatedly selecting project and click on 'Add to Batch'. When clicking on 'View batch' all selected projects can be shown. If the selection is complete the user can click on 'Next'. In this overview also all projects are shown. Now a target environment has to be selected. The available target environments are determined by the configuration of the publisher user, just as with the source environment.
The publisher can specify a publication comment. This is optional, but when the two man rule applies this field can be used to supply extra information to the approver.
When everything is set the action can be executed by clicking the Publish button.
The publisher comes by default with a two-man rule. That means that there are different roles for those who publish projects and those who approve these actions.
If the two man rule is not configured, the following message is shown:
Your projects have been successfully published.
In case the two man rule is configured, the following message is shown:
Your project is successfully awaiting approval of an approver for completion.
As long as the project is not approved, it will not be executable on the destination environment.
It is possible to publish or unpublish multiple projects in one run. In case a batch is published successfully, there are as much as approvals needed as projects (there is not a batch concept). It is also not possible to unpublish a previous batch publish action. However if something goes wrong, the entire batch will fail as the batch functionality is transactional.