

blueriq.connection.sessionHeadersA comma-separated list of HTTP header names, stored through the blueriq.session.headers property, that should be put on outgoing requests for all HTTP and SOAP connections. More info here.

@since 11.6
blueriq.connection.header.[headerName]Key-value pairs of HTTP headers that should be put on all outgoing REST and SOAP requests. 

@since 14.11

Default global timeout in milliseconds to use for all outgoing HTTP requests (SOAP, REST or CMIS) when no other timeout was specified on the specific connection configuration.

The value of 0 means there is no global timeout.

Default is 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).

When a negative number is configured, or this property is not configured at all, this value will fallback to the default.

@since 15.0

The default value changed from 15000 to 5000 ms in Blueriq 17.0

blueriq.connection.[name].sql.typeThe type of sql connection (ie. jdbc)

blueriq.connection.[name].sql.urlThe url of the datasource which should be connected to.

blueriq.connection.[name].sql.driverThe driver that needs to be used to connect to the datasource

blueriq.connection.[name].sql.usernameThe username to login to the datasource

blueriq.connection.[name].sql.passwordThe password to login to the datasource

blueriq.connection.[name].filesystem.pathThe path of the filesystem

blueriq.connection.[name].memoryName of a memory connection.

blueriq.connection.[name].http.urlThe URL of the REST web service.

blueriq.connection.[name].http.usernameThe username for basic authentication.

blueriq.connection.[name].http.passwordThe password for basic authentication.

blueriq.connection.[name].http.sessionHeadersA comma-separated list of HTTP header names, stored through the blueriq.session.headers property, that should be put on outgoing requests for this connection. Overrides blueriq.connection.sessionHeaders. More info here.

@since 11.6
blueriq.connection.[name].http.header.[headerName]Key-value pairs of HTTP headers that should be put on outgoing REST requests for this connection.
Overrides blueriq.connection.header

@since 14.11

The timeout in milliseconds.

The value of 0 means there is no timeout.

When a negative number is configured this value will fallback to the global default.


If the Runtime authentication is set to openid-connect, then setting this property to 'openid-connect' will make the webservice send along a bearer Authorization header.

Since Blueriq 16.3, if the Runtime authentication is set to jwt, then setting this property to 'jwt' will make the webservice send along a bearer Authorization header.

Since Blueriq 17.0 Spring Security is used for defining OAuth2 connections, set this property to 'oauth2' when using oauth2. Define an Client Registration for OAuth 2 via Spring Security and set it on the connection.

blueriq.connection.[name].http.oauth2-client-registrationThe name of the OAuth2 Client Registration defined in the properties or yaml file with Spring Security. (required when using oauth2)

@since 17.0
blueriq.connection.[name].http.oauth2-token-request-parameters.[paramName]Key-value pairs of additional access token request parameters

@since 17.2
blueriq.connection.[name].soap.urlThe URL of the SOAP web service.

blueriq.connection.[name].soap.usernameThe username for basic authentication.

blueriq.connection.[name].soap.passwordThe password for basic authentication.

blueriq.connection.[name].soap.interceptorsA comma separate list of security interceptors (defined using the* properties, see WS-Security)

blueriq.connection.[name].soap.timeoutThe timeout in milliseconds.

blueriq.connection.[name].soap.sessionHeadersA comma-separated list of HTTP header names, stored through the blueriq.session.headers property, that should be put on outgoing requests for this connection.
Overrides blueriq.connection.headers. More info here.

@since 11.6

Key-value pairs of HTTP headers that should be put on outgoing SOAP requests for this connection.
Overrides blueriq.connection.header

@since 14.11*

The service call name of AQ_MailService is being used to retrieve the corresponding mail connection, so the [name] part. However it is also possible to define a default mail connection with the prefix*. When a 'named' mail connection doesn't have all the properties defined it will even fallback to the default for those properties, to be able to create correct mail connection. When no properties are available for the 'named' connection, but there are default mail connection properties present, it will use the default mail connection. For more information : Service call type: AQ_MailService

blueriq.connection.[name].email.smtpThe hostname of the SMTP server.

blueriq.connection.[name].email.smtpportThe port of the SMTP server.

blueriq.connection.[name].email.usernameThe username to use when connecting to the SMTP server.

blueriq.connection.[name].email.passwordThe password to use when connecting to the SMTP server.

blueriq.connection.[name].email.usetlsIndicates if the SMTP server should be contacted using TLS.

blueriq.connection.[name].email.fromaddressAn email address from which to send the email.


Email addresses that the recipient should reply to.


@since 17.7
blueriq.connection.[name].email.toaddressesAddresses to send the email to.

blueriq.connection.[name].email.ccaddressesAddresses to put in cc.


Addresses to put in bcc.

blueriq.connection.[name].resource.pathDefines a path to a resource.

blueriq.connection.[name].external-flow.projectThe REQUIRED name of the project that contains the flow to be started

blueriq.connection.[name].external-flow.versionThe REQUIRED  version of the project that contains the flow to be started, e.g. 0.0-Trunk

blueriq.connection.[name].external-flow.flowThe REQUIRED  name of the flow to be started

blueriq.connection.[name].external-flow.channelThe OPTIONAL name of the channel be started

blueriq.connection.[name].external-flow.baseurlThe OPTIONAL URL of the external host where the target project is on (if omitted the same server is assumed).