The DCM_SearchTaskByName service call type can be used to search for a specific occurrence of one task. The service returns the task-id when the task is found.

A task can be searched using the process-definition known in the project, and is selectable in the service. The service can only be used to search a task within one specific case.

This service call is only available when the  profile is enabled and works only with Case-Modelling.


CaseIdThe Case where the Task should be present onExpression (String)Yes
TasknameTask from the process definition that should be foundSelectable TaskYes
TaskIdOutput attribute for the task id if foundAttributeYes

Possible exit nodes

DefaultThe task is found, output is set in the TaskId attribute
TaskNotFoundThe search has been completed, but the task was not available, or the user was unauthorised to perform the task
ExceptionSomething went wrong at searching the task, the search has not been completed

Note that the user requesting the task should be authorised to execute the task. When the user is not, the service responds with a "TaskNotFound"