You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

2. Enhancements

Enhancement Details

DCM_CaseList and DCM_WorkList

dont filter on application-id anymore

The DCM_Caselist and DCM_Worklist will no longer filter on application-Id when querying the dcm-lists-service. In the previous version all lists were filtered on the application id where it is hosted from. Since the lists are mainly used either within a general application (like a main dashboard application) or from within the case (filtered on case-id anyway), the application-id filter is no longer needed. The need to add the ignore mode was often unknown for the Business Engineer, where users unexpectedly did not see their tasks. Therefore we removed the implicit filter from the lists container (Case-Modelling only).

Consistent character length of user data

in database tables 

The database tables containing user data such as a userName or userId have been widened to the max 255 characters. This was done to allow longer usernames and to have a consistent length of the 

user data in all of our database tables.

Feature request: break in repeat flows

When something fails in a repeat flow, you may want to "break" out of the repeat flow and model how to respond to that. You can now model cancel events for this. You can define multiple cancel events on a repeat flow.

Root-context in the DCM Maintenance App

It is now possible to change the root-context in the DCM Maintenance App. This can be usefull when you want to run multiple instances of the app on the same server but with a different endpoint per app. Information about how this can be done can be found here.

JWT authentication access token forwarding

It is now possible to forward the access token in AQ_RestServiceClient when the Runtime authentication is set to 'jwt'. Please refer to the blueriq.connection.[name].http.authentication property in the Connections Properties.

Authentication restrictions in Encore

Encore now disables actions that are not available due to permission restrictions, as determined by a user's groups.

An expression editor popout can be opened for decision table cells in external libraries

Encore now allows you to open the expression editor of decision table cells in a larger dialog, even if the decision table is defined in an external library or the user does not have edit permissions.

Encore: increased readability of attribute and relation names in unit test profiles

The columns of profiles of unit tests in Encore (for both data mapping and logic) have been spatially optimized to increase readability of attribute and relation names.  

Firefox support for Blueriq Encore

The browser support for Blueriq Encore has been extended to include the latest version of Firefox. Various issues that would only occur in Firefox have been addressed, notably in the flow and process editor and in the text item editor.

3. Documentation

Documentation on the new features and improvements of this release is linked in the respective topics.

4. Changes Platform Support

Our Platform support is updated.

Changes are:

  • Firefox has been added as supported platform for Encore. Because it can be noticably slower than Chrome or Edge, it is still recommended to use one of these two instead of Firefox.

5. Upgrade Instructions

See Release 16.3 Upgrade Instructions for the upgrade instructions for this release.

As a best practice

  • backup your repository
  • backup your database before running scripts
  • backup your spring.config.additional-location directory ([Blueriq installation directory]\Runtime)
  • backup any config files you have altered under [Blueriq installation directory]\Services

before you start the upgrade.

6. Artifacts

 The Blueriq artifacts are available under name:

This release includes these versions of Blueriq components with a separate life cycle:



Customer Data Service 4.3.0
DCM Lists Service 3.0.5
Material Theme 1.2.0
Development tools frontend 1.5.6
DCM Maintenance App 3.0.3
Audit Consumer 0.2.3
DCM Dashboard Service 0.2.3
Gateway Service 0.1.9
Document Renderer 1.1.2

7. Blueriq Libraries

8. Libraries

In this release, the set of third party libraries that is used by Blueriq was updated. When your installation of Blueriq includes custom components (artifacts that do not ship with Blueriq, such as proprietary plugins), those components should be tested for compatibility with these changes.




Version in 1

Version in 2



Bouncy Castle License





Bouncy Castle License





Bouncy Castle License



9. Retirement announcement

There are no specific retirement announcements.

For a full list of deprecated features, go to Deprecated features.

10. Bug fixes







An inline container could be converted to a reusable container even if it had an invalid name.

An inline container is now required to have a valid name before it can be converted to a reusable container.



The AQ_AggregateCount and AQ_AggregateSearch services could have a horizontal scrollbar when there were no search criteria.

The error message that reports that at least one criteria is required no longer causes undesirable scrollbars.


JAVA Runtime

CVE-20873 was detected for spring boot

Fixed by upgrading spring boot to the latest versions


Audit Consumer, Customer Data Service, DCM Dashboard, DCM Lists Service, Gateway, JAVA Runtime, Maintenance App

CVE-2023-33201 detected for bouncy-castle lower than 1.73

upgraded to version 1.76



An error would be shown after opening the history tab for an unsaved element, which would try to retrieve a history for the element, which did not exist.

History tab will no longer try to get the history for an unsaved element.



When logging out, cancellation of the workspace subscription would be attempted. This was however not possible due to the user already being logged out.

Logging out the user is now performed after the cancellation of the workspace subscription.


JAVA Runtime

A session would sometimes not be written to Redis yet while retrieving it after a redirect. This happens if the legacy endpoints /server/start/* are used in combination with Redis and JBoss EAP. This only happens in JBoss due to a difference in the order of marking the request response as complete between Tomcat and JBoss.

We now manually flush the session after session creation to make sure that the flush happens before the marking the request as finished.

11. Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues

12. Security notification