You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

1The main dashboard is implemented as a separate project.The main dashboard can be maintained and deployed with its own life-cycle.
2Every case type has its own project.Every case type has its own domain, rules, widgets and task implementations with its own life-cycle.
3The case type projects share the case dashboard.Many features that are modeled in the case dashboard are generic for all the case types. Only the domain specific features differ per case type.
4The case type projects share the process.

Usually the process is a generic process that can be used in multiple case types. The process contains only the tasks and not the implementation of those tasks.
The process also does not contain the domain of the different case types and is domain independent.
(For example a process that is used for granting subsidy can be used for multiple domains)

5The case dashboard is independent, and separated from the domain implementation.This makes it possible to reuse the case dashboard in all the case types. The entry point of the project has only one exposed flow that contains the same roles as the Main_Dashboard.
6The domain and implementation are in separate modules.In this way the domain can be reused in a Baas project that is exposing the domain to the world.
7The intake and implementation are in separate modules.The intake is often done by an external system and the case is then created using a BAAS project.
8The case lists ( AQ_Aggregate_List) contains only few filters.There is a relation between the number of filters used and the performance of a list. It is recommended to use as few as possible filters.
9Filtering in the case lists is based on assignment.

The foundation is set up using a case-centric design. In a case-centric design cases are assigned to users. This assignment can be done based on logic. It is advised to evaluate this logic when a case is assigned so not as filter on the case list. For example a case is assigned to person A when ( type = x and ( amount < 12 OR amount = ?)). When a case is evaluated person A is added as a stakeholder and stored as metadata of the case. Filtering is done based on stakeholder metadata.