You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

It is important for organisations to know exactly what happened to their application. All important events are stored in the Trace Database.  This means that years later, the business can inspect what happened inside the Case Engine. 

The following actions result in an automatically created entry in the trace database:



caseDossierCreatedA new case dossier entry is created in the database.
caseDossierUpdatedAn existing case dossier entry in the database is updated.
caseDossierDeletedAn existing case dossier entry in the database is deleted.

For each time an entry in the trace database is created the values listed below is stored.

  • caseDossierId - The Id of the aggregate
  • caseDossierVersion - The version of the aggregate
  • username - The name of the user that performed the action
  • userid - The Id of the user that performed the action
  • date - The date and time when the action was performed
  • profile - The profile of the aggregate
  • caseId - the id of the case where the case dossier belongs to