You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Table of contents

For the design guide on how to model logic see Decision Management guide.

Visual overviews of key logic concepts

A very first view on Blueriq as experienced in, for instance, the Business Modeling foundation (BMF) course, discusses three main topics; Domain, Logic and Interaction. Within these topics, many concepts play a role that are related to each other. Shown below is a simple overview. As mentioned on the main page of this document, the visual does not aim to be complete, but rather provide insight.

Expressions play an important role in Blueriq and can be used in many many elements. Expressions themselves can use different elements as well. Reusing them is possible. As mentioned on the main page of this document, the visual does not aim to be complete, but provide insight.

Business rules and decision tables can be used to derive and set attributes. Shown below is how the two are alike and differ. As mentioned on the main page of this document, the visual does not aim to be complete, but provide insight.

Links in the image
Business ruleExpressionAttributesDecision Table
Business ruleExpressionAttributeDecision table

Rule groups can be used to combine logic elements. A pre condition can be set to enable or disable rule groups, for example if from a certain point in time new rules are applicable. As mentioned on the main page of this document, the visual does not aim to be complete, but provide insight.

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