You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Before you upgrade make sure to read the General Upgrade instructions as well as the Upgrade instructions for previous versions.

The changes are color coded. Orange elements have been changed, Green elements have been added and Red elements have been removed compared to the 15.x release.

Table of contents

Lowercasing metamodel data

Working together with our customers, we found that some parts that we store in the process database which are queried and indexed using a LOWER()  function, do not perform well over time with (very) large data volumes. Since this particular data is only used in queries and not displayed to the user or advertised to other systems, we found that we can improve by storing this data lowercased, which eliminates the need to index and query using a LOWER() function, which results in better performance.

From release 16, lowercasing the data will be the default. This will require a data migration using database scripts to convert existing data to lowercase.

We introduced a feature toggle in release 15, so customers can already use this functionality and perform the migration earlier, so migrating to release 16 becomes less work.

Please note that converting the data to lowercase is a one-way operation, which cannot be reversed, other than by replacing the data with a backup from before the migration.


The following process data is lowercased. Note that all this information is for querying only and is not displayed to the user (as opposed to for instance the attribute or entity value)

  • instanceattributes.attributename
  • instances.entityName
  • case.status (always lowercase: com.aquima.interactions.process.dao.CaseStatusType)
  • events.status (always lowercase com.aquima.interactions.process.dao.CaseEventStatusType)
  • events.type (always lowercase com.aquima.interactions.process.dao.CaseEventType)
  • task.status (always lowercase com.aquima.interactions.process.TaskStatusType)
  • tasks.type (always lowercase com.aquima.interactions.process.dao.TaskType)

Feature toggle

To enable this feature, set the following property in



Execute the scripts corresponding to your database inside the dbscripts/features/lowercaseInternalDatabaseValues folder of the blueriq-component-process-sql-store.

Trace & Timeline

To make the trace & timeline suitable for usage with DCM 2.0, we made changes to the database structure to accommodate both DCM 1.0 and DCM 2.0. A column is renamed and another column added for this.

Data migration is required. Execute the upgrade scripts found in the dbscripts\upgrades\15.13.0  for both the timeline and the trace-sql-store component.

There was an error in the SQL Server upgrade script for the trace. This has been correct in release 15.13.2. Please do not use the script from release 15.13 or 15.13.1. 

DCM 2.0: Outbox

For DCM 2.0 we introduced the outbox (and inbox) tables. The outbox table has changed. The corresponding upgrade script can be found in the dbscripts/features/dcm2.0/upgrades.15.13.0 folder of the blueriq-component-process-sql-store.

DCM Dashboard Gateway Service

The Redis properties for the Blueriq Gateway Service have been renamed:

Old property nameNew property name

Please update them in your setup if you use the Blueriq Gateway Service.

Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues.


  1. It is stated that we should not use upgrade scripts for 15.13.0 or 15.13.1 for timeline and trace functionalities. However, I can not find upgrade script 15.13.2. Where do I have to look for the correct scripts?

    See timeline scipts (only 15.13.0 available in latest 15 download)

    and trace scripts (only 15.13.0 available in latest 15 download):

  2. Hi Geert, in the 15.13.2 release, the 15.13.0 scripts have been corrected. You should still use the scripts from the 15.13.0 folder, but retrieved from release 15.13.2 or newer.

  3. Hi Felix,

    We had a failure on the specific script we used from 15.13.0. See error below. I therefore assumed that this was because of not having the correct one.

    Can you check if we used the correct script?

  4. It looks like you are using the latest version of the script.

    I cannot determine what goes wrong exactly, but I can make a guess: there are two rename actions on indexes and one of them (or both) goes wrong.
    In order to see what's wrong, please list the indexes on your timeline database and compare them to the indexes in the create script (mssql.sql). If there is any mismatch, you can drop me a line on Teams.