You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 14. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

In a task mapping you define what should be done when a user wants to start a task. You first specify your process module, and then the implementation module which you will use for executing your tasks.

For each task in your process, you decide which flow in the implementation module should be started.

As a flow can have multiple exits, you may want that the process engine reacts differently depending on which exit the flow takes. You can define this by mapping flow events in the implementation module to Process Events in the process module. You have to map all possible exits of every flow.

Conditional Task Mappings

It is possible to make a task mapping conditional. This enables you to conditionally route the execution of a task to a different module, depending on the domain of the process module. This condition holds for every task that is mapped within one task mapping. For each variant that you want to model, you have to create a task mapping that maps the tasks to a different module or flow.

For example, if you would like to distinguish between types A,B, and C, you would model three task mappings with each a precondition in the form of Control.Type = 'A'. Leaving the precondition empty or removing it is regarded the same as placing the expression TRUE in the precondition.

It is your own responsibility to make sure that there is always one task mapping with a precondition that evaluates to TRUE. The runtime uses the first valid mapping (precondition that evaluates to TRUE), independent if there might be others that are valid as well. If there is no valid task mappings, an error is thrown.