You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.






CVE-2020-25638 on hibernate-core & CVE-2020-13956 on httpclient was reported on both the runtime and the customerdata service

Both libraries have been updated to the latest version in which the CVEs are fixed.


CVE-2020-13954 was reported on the Runtime.

The affected library (apache-cxf) was updated to version 3.3.8, which doesn't contain the CVE.


When generating documentation containing an external flow the Studio server would crash and terminate.

The crash has been resolved and the error handling for rendering images in the documentation generation plugin has been improved to gracefully handle errors instead of terminating the server.


When opening a branch in the model mapper for the first that it has been opened, an exception would occur in the studio server resulting into a 500 error on the model mapper. This would stop the model mapper from loading.

During the serialization of elements when loading branches, a race condition occurred when serializing both the workspace content and the subscription content. This has been resolved.

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