You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 13. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.






Studio Client

When opening an editor in Studio which contained an expression editor, a security error would occur.

This error occurred due to a partial trust constraint, which has been resolved.



Renaming a repository or branch would cause pending changes to go missing upon server restart.

The workspace corresponding with the branch will now be renamed together with repository and branch renames, ensuring that pending changes stay available.


JAVA Runtime

The links in the response of the Backend REST API didn't contain all arguments that were passed with the request.

If an optional argument is passed, this will be added to the links now. Note that if an optional argument isn't passed, it will be displayed in the link as a template variable (eg. {&sort} ), to inform clients that this argument is optional.



In the Material Theme, the width of conditionally editable elements would fail to be applied after a component was reinitialized.

A small delay has been inserted before applying the changes, allowing for newly initialized components to have finished rendering before applying the desired width.

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