You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Please note the list of deprecated features is under construction and can be changed based on customer input.

Please note that this page reflects the state of the current version. Features that were removed from the product also have been removed from this list. Please visit older versions of this page to see what changed: Deprecated features 16


Deprecation is a status applied to software features to indicate that they should be avoided, typically because they have been superseded.
Although deprecated features remain in the software, their use may raise warning messages recommending alternative practices, and deprecation may indicate that the feature will be removed in the future. Features are deprecated — rather than immediately removed — in order to provide backward compatibility, and give programmers who have used the feature time to bring their code into compliance with the new standard.

Deprecations List

Deprecated ItemBecame deprecated in versionWill be removed in versionRecommended AlternativeHow to migrate


EventsUse events in your flow
Specializing the data type of an attribute, the cardinality of a relation, or relation targetsv11.2


-Change the base definition or make copy the element with a different name in the desired module. 
Theming supportv13.0


NPM LibrariesCreate a custom front-end based on the NPM Libraries we provide. We prefer an Angular front-end for which we provide a Material theme default project that may be used as a starting point. These NPM libraries make use of the UI REST API V2, which could be used as an alternative if the NPM libraries do not fit your needs.
Service call event parametersv17.5


-Can safely be removed, because they had no effect in the Runtime.
Custom flow events on containersv17.5


Mapping container type eventsSpecify an event on the container type, and map that event to the desired flow event on the container.

Technical deprecations

Deprecated ItemBecame deprecated in versionWill be removed in versionRecommended AlternativeHow to migrate
MetaModel Generator pluginNot yet


Not needed anymore. Via parameters
@AquimaProjectScope annotationv15


No alternative. We don't intend to support custom code for certain projects only, since Blueriq is a platform where any project can run on. If certain custom components are only required for certain projects, we advise to run these on a separate Runtime with the required custom components included.
Basic authentication for the Management Servicev17


Use Bearer authentication instead.A token has to be requested from Keycloak, see Management Service#Authentication
Studio Server backup toolv17.11


Use the backup and restore API endpoints to create/restore backups.See Backing up data for documentation on the API endpoints and a PowerShell script that may be used as an alternative to the backup tool.

Platform Support deprecations

Deprecated platforms can be found at the platform support page.

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