You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.







The Development Tools REST API documentation did not display the endpoint documentation snippets.

The Development Tools REST API properly displays all relevant snippets again.



Dropdown menus would be opened above the dropdown if the list of items exceeded the available space below the dropdown, even if there was more room available below the dropdown.

Dropdown now always open downwards when there is more room available below the dropdown.



Duplicating a project from within Encore would incorrectly duplicate all module elements directly into the project, instead of the module they should be part of. This resulted in an error when saving the changes.

Duplicating a project has been corrected to duplicate all containing elements into the correct parent element.


Java Runtime

When using Discovery for OpenID Connect settings, and when the Identity Provider wouldn't supply the optional 'alg' parameter in its JWK response, the runtime wouldn't load this public key.

JWK Public Keys are now loaded if the 'alg' parameter is not supplied by the Identity Provider.



The content in the REST service editor was not scrollable, resulting in parts of the editor to be invisible and non-interactive.

The areas that may contain content that can overflow have been made scrollable.



When using JWT authentication, the property would not be honored when starting an authenticated flow through the development dashboard. Instead it would always use the default value of "/login".

The is now also honored when starting an authenticated flow through the development dashboard.



Various editors would re-expand tree items even if they had been previously collapsed when re-entering an open editor.

Tree nodes are now only automatically expanded when initially opening an editor, not when re-entering an editor.



Documents created by the document import wizard always required extra nodes with specific content styles in order to be compatible with the default Blueriq XSLTs for the document renderer. Doing this manually after a document had been imported was quite tedious.

Nodes with the content styles 'Normal' and 'Body' are now automatically added to documents created by the document import wizard.



Editing text items in Google Chrome could show erratic behavior when deleting content using backspace or delete, as well as inadvertently moving the cursor to the beginning of the text.

Various improvements have been made to reduce the chance of erratic behavior.

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