Versions Compared


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1     Introduction

Starting with release 11.0 Blueriq decided to introduce a forms performance report. Triggered by the new external session storage development this report doesn't serve solely the purpose of offering performance information to clients that use Blueriq forms exclusively (without any additional components like dashboards, process engine etc) but also offers us the possibility to compare and assess the response times for the memory and external session implementations.


Returning to the user load it is important to say that the 2 attached reports are depicting a run with 450 threads (for the memory run) and a run with 800 threads respectively (for the redis run). Both runs are holding the load for 1 hour. As for the results themselves they are interpreted in the same study measurement way as the other Blueriq performance tests namely with the help of Apdex. For more information about Apdex, please see 03 Apdex method.

2     Reference Application


In order for us to obtain relevant test results we needed to have a Blueriq application very much similar to a real application in production. Thus we aimed at having as much elements as possible (required fields, conditional fields, field validations, file upload/download containers etc) but also a reasonable profile size. The reference application used for forms performance testing is a bank website where the user can either search and find the available ATMs in his area or apply for one of the three available loans.


WelcomeThe welcome screen with 4 inline containers, 3 text items and 2 buttons.
Find Local ATMsA page with 2 inline containers, a text item and 2 buttons.
Confirm ATMs FoundA page with 2 inline containers, a text item and 2 buttons.
Display ATMsDisplays the nearby ATMs using an AQ_InstanceList with page size 20. Also contains 2 inline contains and 2 buttons.
Loan OffersThe page contains dozens of containers and text items, each of them having presentation or content styles assigned.
Borrowing CalculatorContains 7 inline containers, 10 fields and 2 buttons. 5 fields are refresh fields, additional fields become available depending on the values entered into the refresh fields, using inline containers with preconditions.
Loan FormContains 3 inline contains, 1 texxt item, 3 buttons and 8 fields. 3 fields are refresh fields with validations.
Personal InformationContains 2 inline containers, 2 buttons and 16 fields. 4 fields are refresh fields. 2 fields have preconditions and are shown or hidden based on the information entered in the refresh fields.
Document UploadContains 4 inline containers, 2 text items, 1 button, an AQ_File_Upload container and intially zero AQ_File_Download containers. When a file is uploaded, a new AQ_File_Download container is displayed, using a repeat expression.
ConfirmationContains a logout text item, a text item confirming the completion of the loan request and a button which leads back to the Loan Offers page.


3     Simulating application usage

The simulation which is executed on the application during the performance test scenario depends on two variables:


After the 5 minute ramp-up, the load is sustained for one hour.

4     Test environment

For the performance tests a typical hardware configuration is used that consists of two separate servers for the Runtime and JMeter. The specification of the test environment is described in the test reports.
