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blueriq.connection.[name].sql.typeThe type of sql connection (ie. jdbc)

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blueriq.connection.[name].sql.urlThe url of the datasource which should be connected to.

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blueriq.connection.[name].sql.driverThe driver that needs to be used to connect to the datasource

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blueriq.connection.[name].sql.usernameThe username to login to the datasource

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blueriq.connection.[name].sql.passwordThe password to login to the datasource

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blueriq.connection.[name].filesystem.pathThe path of the filesystem

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blueriq.connection.[name].memoryName of a memory connection.

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blueriq.connection.namesA comma-separated list of connection names, which are later defined using connection.<name>.

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blueriq.connection.headersA comma-separated list of http-header names which will be send as header on a outgoing request. More info here.

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@since 11.6
blueriq.connection.[name].http.urlThe URL of the REST web service.

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blueriq.connection.[name].http.usernameThe username for basic authentication.

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blueriq.connection.[name].http.passwordThe password for basic authentication.

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blueriq.connection.[name].http.headerNamesA comma-separated list of http-header names which will be send as header on a outgoing request for this connection. Overrides blueriq.connection.headers. More info here.

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@since 11.6
blueriq.connection.[name].http.timeoutThe read timeout for the web servicetimeout in milliseconds.

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If the Runtime authentication is set to openid-connect, then setting this property to 'openid-connect' will make the webservice send along a bearer Authorization header.

Since Blueriq 13.12, it is also possible to set this property to 'oauth2' for Oauth2 authentication. The next 5 properties will configure Oauth2.

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blueriq.connection.[name].http.oauth2-token-endpointThe URL of the OAuth2 authentication server, where tokens can be requested(required)

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@since 13.12
blueriq.connection.[name].http.oauth2-client-idThe id of the client that a token should be requested for

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@since 13.12
blueriq.connection.[name].http.oauth2-client-secretThe secret key of the client where a token should be requested for

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@since 13.12
blueriq.connection.[name].http.oauth2-grant-typeThe value of the grant type parameter when requesting a token

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@since 13.12
blueriq.connection.[name].http.oauth2-scopeThe scope that we want to request a token for

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@since 13.12
blueriq.connection.[name].soap.urlThe URL of the SOAP web service.

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blueriq.connection.[name].soap.usernameThe username for basic authentication.

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blueriq.connection.[name].soap.passwordThe password for basic authentication.

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blueriq.connection.[name] comma separate list of security implementations (defined using the* properties)

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blueriq.connection.[name].soap.timeoutThe timeout in milliseconds.

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blueriq.connection.[name].soap.headersA comma-separated list of http-header names which will be send as header on a outgoing request for this connection. Overrides blueriq.connection.headers. More info here.

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@since 11.6
blueriq.connection.[name].email.smtpThe hostname of the SMTP server.

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blueriq.connection.[name].email.smtpportThe port of the SMTP server.

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blueriq.connection.[name].email.usernameThe username to use when connecting to the SMTP server.

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blueriq.connection.[name].email.passwordThe password to use when connecting to the SMTP server.

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blueriq.connection.[name].email.usetlsIndicates if the SMTP server should be contacted using TLS.

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blueriq.connection.[name].email.fromaddressAn email address from which to send the email.

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blueriq.connection.[name].email.toaddressAn email address to which to send the email.

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blueriq.connection.[name].email.ccaddressesAddresses to put in cc.

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Addresses to put in bcc.

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blueriq.connection.[name].resource.pathDefines a path to a resource.

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blueriq.connection.[name].external-flow.projectThe REQUIRED name of the project that contains the flow to be started

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blueriq.connection.[name].external-flow.versionThe REQUIRED  version of the project that contains the flow to be started, e.g. 0.0-Trunk

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blueriq.connection.[name].external-flow.flowThe REQUIRED  name of the flow to be started

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blueriq.connection.[name].external-flow.channelThe OPTIONAL name of the channel be started

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blueriq.connection.[name].external-flow.baseurlThe OPTIONAL URL of the external host where the target project is on (if omitted the same server is assumed).

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