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  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.<key id>=<key value>

The comma-separated path to the roles claim in the JWT body. For example if the JWT body contains the following claims:

SubjectJAVA PropertyExplanation
OpenID property which enables Blueriq to read identity provider specific properties from an specific exposed location if the value is true, or to read them from if the value is false. Default: false.

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Location from where Blueriq loads the public keys. In order to work, must be true.

Example for Keycloak: http://<server>:<port>/auth/realms/<realm name>/protocol/openid-connect/certs

Note: this property was introduced in 11.4 and removed in 11.5 with the introduction of the discovery feature.

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Defines the <key id, public key> mappings that are loaded by Blueriq if is false.

Note that the key value should be encoded as Base64 encoded bytes that conform to the X509EncodedKeySpec

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The client-id of the Runtime, as defined at the identity provider.

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The client secret of the Runtime, as defined at the identity provider. This value is used, for example, to complete the OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow, when exchanging the authorization code for ID and access tokens.

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The OpenID Connect scopes used when starting the Authorization Code flow. The scopes must include the value "openid" in order for the identity provider to recognize that the OpenID Connect Authorization Code flow must be initiated. If "openid" is not specified as a scope, the identity provider may instead initiate the OAuth2 Authorization Code flow (depends on the identity provider in use). Multiple scopes can be specified separated with coma.

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the URL of the endpoint where access codes can be exchanged for ID and access tokens.

Example for Keycloak: http://<host>:<port>/auth/realms/<realm name>/protocol/openid-connect/token

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Additional custom parameters to be sent to the token endpoint. For example;

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the URL where the OpenID Connect Authorization Code flow can be started.

Example for Keycloak: http://<host>:<port>/auth/realms/<realm name>/protocol/openid-connect/auth

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Additional custom parameters to be sent to the authorization endpoint. For example;

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The expected issuer in the "iss" claim of JWT tokens. A received JWT which does not have this exact, case-sensitive value in its "iss" claim will be rejected as invalid.

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Code Block
  ... other claims ...
  "realm_access": [
    "roles": ["role1", "role2"]
  ... other claims ...

then this property should be set to "realm_access,roles" in order to indicate that the roles claim nested within the realm_access claim represents the user's roles.


The comma-separated path to the teams claim in the JWT body. See roles-path above for an example.


Maps a role claim to zero, one or multiple Blueriq roles. If a role claim does not have a mapping, it is considered to have an implicit identity mapping.


(all users which have the employee role at the identity provider will have the authenticated_user and vu_employee roles in Blueriq)



Maps a team claim to zero, one or multiple Blueriq teams. If a team claim does not have a mapping, it is considered to have an implicit identity mapping.


(all users which have the amsterdam team at the identity provider will have the europe and netherlands teams in Blueriq)

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Boolean indicating whether the audience claim should be checked. If true, the audience claim must contain the Runtime's client-id. All JWTs which do not contain the Runtime's client-id in the audience claim are rejected as invalid.

When false, the audience claim is not checked. Default: false.

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Boolean indicating whether when logging out of Blueriq the user should be logged out of the Single-Sign-On session as well.

Default: false

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_PropertiesFileJava sso-logout is true, the Runtime redirects to this URL at the identity provider in order to log out of the Single-Sign-On session.

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The comma-separated path to the username claim in the JWT body. For example if the JWT body contains the following claims:

Code Block
  ... other claims ...
  "realm_access": [
    "nickname": "username"
  ... other claims ...

then this property should be set to "realm_access,nickname" in order to indicate that the nickname claim nested within the realm_access claim represents the username.

Auth0 will include the claim nickname in the JWT body when the scope profile is added to the list of scopes. We suggest to set this property to "nickname" when using Auth0.

If no value is specified, the default value is used:

Optional URI that the OpenID Connect provider should redirect to after logging out. This property will be taken account both when using discovery and when using manual configuration through properties.

Since Blueriq 16.0.1

Include Page
_PropertiesFileJava URL of the OpenID Connect UserInfo endpoint. This endpoint provides information about the user associated with an access token. It is used when the access token is not a JWT.

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Additional custom parameters to be sent to the user info endpoint. For example;

Include Page

Additional optional custom parameter to retrieve a claim from the openid-connect JWT token en place it in the Authentication.

For more information see the openid connect configuration page.

These claims can be retrieved to the profile using the GetAuthenticationClaims service.

Include Page_PropertiesFileJava_PropertiesFileJava

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JWT Mapping properties
JWT Mapping properties