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In DCM2, the DCM Lists Service is providing information to DCM Dashboard about Cases. For overviews of cases and tasks to the Runtime. If, for some reason, the DCM Lists can lose Service lost data, which it can be fixed by using the "Restore dcm-lists service" functionality . DCM Lists can have all Cases restored in the DCM Maintenance App. The Maintenance App can restore all cases at once or single case can be restored as well. Under the hood, the DCM Maintenance App will send an HTTP request to Case Engine, which will trigger each known case to restore itself in the DCM Lists Service. 


Before using the "Restore dcm-lists service," ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • User The user that uses DCM Maintenance App, needs to have the Role "owner".
  • The Case Engine needs to have indexing enabled - . You can find more information in Initial indexing pageon initial indexing here: Initial indexing.
  • Make sure that the Runtime isn't currently used by users.

Triggering "Restore dcm-lists Service"

All cases

To trigger the "Restore dcm-lists Service" for all cases, open "General" tab in the DCM Maintenance App and push button click the "Restore dcm-lists for all cases" button.

The This action restores all cases in the DCM-Lists service. The data of each single case will be retrieved and sent to the DCM Lists service. This may lead to a high system load when there are many cases in the database. The system might be busy for a while, possibly leading to a delay in other actions.

Single case

To trigger a single case:

  • open Open the "Cases" tab.
  • look for Find the specific case.
  • scroll Scroll down to "Actions" section.
  • Push the button "Restore dcm-lists for this case".