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The development plugin must The development tools component must be installed before you can use the development debug bartoolbar. This bar toolbar is by default located at the top side of your page once a project is started and can be used to debug / or inspect the running session. The debug bar contains a number of menu items which are described in the follow paragraphs.


By selecting this menu a pop up appears with information and features that can be used for easy debugging and developing.

Rule graph XML 

This option will display the Rule Graph XML. This file displays which inference rules and validation rules where used to determine or validate an attribute value.


Please note this option is only available in the Java Runtime.

Portal State XML

This option will display the Portal State XML. This file contains the current flow path including transactions.


Please note this option is only available in the Java Runtime.

Page source

This option will display the page XML, an XML representation of a rendered ( or calculated ) page.


Please note this option is only relevant if you use XSLT styling and available in the Java Runtime.

Recompose page

This menu will recompose the page. Combined with reload current project this will allow you to quickly test small changes to your model.


Please note this option does not always work in combination with complex changes.

Reset UI's

This menu will reload your custom themes. This will allow you to quickly mage changes to your model.


This menu allows you to influence the active session. The following features are available.

Table of contents

Table of Contents

Reload current project

 This menu item will allow you to reload your project. Combined with recompose page this the project definition from your current session. This will allow you to quickly test small changes to your model.


Please note this option does not always work in combination with complex changes, for instance in your domain model.

Save session

This menu will allow you to save the current session to an XML file on the server. You can use the Restore a session widget from the development dashboard to restart your project with the saved session data.

Export profile

The profile contains all session data. By selecting this option you can store the current session data as an XML file. You can use this file as a basis for unit tests or quickly start a new session without having to enter all data.


Session selector

This functionality is essential when using a dashboard. It is possible to put multiple widgets on a dashboard. By using the session selector, it is possible to switch to a selected widget and inspect its profile or piece of the front-end as decribed in the next paragraphs.



The profile contains all session data. By selecting this option a popup window appears with three tabs.


the toolbar opens bigger and shows more session data.

Instance management

The profile explorer allows you to view and edit all current instances in the session. By clicking on an entity, the values of all attributes are shown in the attribute management. Using the add or delete buttons allows you to manually manipulate the session data (tba). 


Attribute management

This option will allow you to store manage the current session data as an XML file. You can use this file to quickly start a new session with existing data. You can also import this file in Studio to create a unit test.attribute values. You can easily see the source type and see, clear or edit the attribute value(s). 

Evaluate expression

This option will allow you to write and test and expression on live session data.


Please note this option is only available in the Java Runtime.


This menu allows you to switch language or theme.

Page explorer

. It can evaluate to a selected instance from the instance management, or globally. You may also use the expression evaluator in the Quick test in Encore.

Element explorer

The element The page explorer displays all elements that are part of the runtime page model. This feature can be very useful to determine if the theme displays all page elements correctly.


Please note this option is only available in the Java Runtime.

Live Log

This menu displays a live preview of the runtime log.


Please note this option is only available in the Java Runtime. You can still view the log file via the file system.

Remove toolbar

This menu will remove the debug bar.


Turn on the element selection in the toolbar and you can select any item on the page of your session. Its values are then shown in the element explorer. From the selected element you can navigate to its parent or child element in the explorer. Or you can use the selector to view the data of a different item on the page.

Close toolbar

This option allow you to minimize the toolbar to a small button overlayed on your session. Click the button again and the toolbar will open to its normal mode.