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titleNo Longer Supported

This feature is no longer supported since Blueriq 16.7 and DCM Dashboard service 1.0.0. Use Encore to model and export a DCM dashboard.

DCM Dashboard service 0.4.0 contains both JSON and Encore export functionality to support a grace periode.

To create a dashboard definition one would need to know what it means to create a definition. In one definition you model a single dashboard application contains pages, widgets and menu's. You can see it as the skeleton of a dashboard application. Dashboard definitions are created using JSON and contain some constraints, which aren't actively enforced yet so be sure to follow this guide.


Dashboard Event

Inside Blueriq Studio one Encore one can use service calls to cause events specific to DCM dashboard functionality. These events can be mapped on a page so the frontend performs a certain navigation action.






The type of events for which the dashboard should listen to

contextStringThe context property can be used to send additional data to distinguish the event even further further, typically the Case Type is used as context. 


  • N/A

Menu Item

A menu item can be used to navigate to other dashboard page.
