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The DCM Lists Service manages the data to display in a case, task, or work list. This data is a copy of the data that is used and manipulated by the process engine in the Process SQL store component. The reason that this data is duplicated is that to display a list, complex and intensive queries need to be executed. These queries can now be installed using the installer. After installation, the configuration can be found in the <blueriq installation home>\Services\dcm-lists-service\conf folder.

Alternatively, you can install the DCM Lists Service on any of the supported platforms of Blueriq. The installation procedure resembles the ones for the Runtime:

  • Deploy the WAR file on the application server
  • Configure the spring.config.additional-location 

See Installing Runtime for details on each specific platform.

serviced by the DCM Lists service, while the process engine can focus on manipulating process data, without also having to perform intensive list queries.


The DCM Lists Service is a standalone application. The corresponding WAR file can be found in the release zip or in Artifactory: The WAR file needs to be deployed to a supported application server, see Installing Runtime. The application requires a config location to specify the configuration outlined below. Note that the Blueriq DCM Development Installationincludes the DCM Lists Service including configuration

NoteAlthough it is possible to deploy the DCM Lists Service in the same JVM as the Blueriq Runtime, we recommend, at least for acceptance and production environments, to deploy it on its own JVM or depending on the throughput of the application, on its own server


Table of Contents

System requirements


2 CPU cores
256 MB Heap

2 CPU cores
512 MB Heap

Third party tools


The DCM Lists Service receives events from the Blueriq Runtime application via the RabbitMQ Messaging system (see Queue configuration and Configuration for the DCM Lists Service DCM queueing). The DCM Lists Service should be able to connect to the RabbitMQ instance.


The DCM Lists Service stores its data in MongoDB (see Document database MongoDB). The DCM Lists Service should be able to read and write data into a MongoDB instance.

Ideally, both Place these tools run on their own dedicated server, with sufficient resources. We refer to the websites of MongoDB and RabbitMQ for advice on hardware requirements for these components.


For Blueriq 12.5 to 12.7.1, the RabbitMQ properties were directly under the key.

The DCM Lists Service requires requires blueriq-dcm-lists.yml  file in the spring.config.additional-location you file in the

Include Page
you configured for it. Here , you can specify the location of RabbitMQ and MongoDB settings, MongoDB and configure some optionally configure some additional settings:

Code Block
        host: mongodb.yourdomain.local
        port: 27017
        database: DcmListsService
      security:  #username: Securityyouruser
 configuration. Here you can override the default username/password: yourpass
    user  event:
      password: '{noop}<password>'

  dcm:rabbitmq: # can be used to override queue configuration from blueriq.default.rabbitmq setting and default queueNames
            queueNames: dcmListsServiceEventsQueue
    lists:        errorExchange: dlx.dcmListsServiceEvents
    concurrency: # can be used to tune the queue consumption on high load. Note that when using more than 1 consumers, the order of messages is no longer guaranteed
max-concurrent-consumers: 1
           rabbitmq: concurrent-consumers: 1
      host: rabbitmq.yourdomain.local
      port: 5672
     port virtualHost: 5672/
      username: youruser
     virtualHost password: /yourpass
        usernameenabled: youruserfalse
	  # From blueriq version 16.9 it is possible to  password: yourpassdeclare multiple hosts (RabbitMQ Cluster)
      addresses: localhost:30012,otherhost:25102
  security:  # Security configuration for the ssl:
dcm list service. Here you can override the default username/password 
    enableduser: false
      name: <username>
      queueNames: yourQueueNamepassword: '{noop}<password>'

For more information on concurrent consumers see Configuring RabbitMQ.


DCM-Lists can be used in a multi-tenant environment. For more information, check Multi-tenancy for the DCM Lists Service.