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The Publisher is a standalone web application for publishing Studio projects across different environments.

For a complete description of the functionality of the Publisher see the documentation.

System Requirements

The system requirements for the publisher are as follows:

ProductFree memory (minimum)Free memory (advised) *Free disk spaceRecommended CPU **
Publisher512 MB2 GB1 GBIntel Xeon X5650 or better

* The memory usage of both the Studio client and server is strongly correlated to the size of the projects and the number of (open) branches. These numbers suffice for a simple project.
** The recommended CPU is the CPU recommended in production environments.


On this page:

Table of Contents


Publisher 6 is compatible with Blueriq Studio 15.


The installation of the Publisher entails the following:

  • Deployment of the Publisher on an application server
  • Creating the required databases
  • Configuring the Publisher and the users

Deployment of the Publisher web application

The Publisher is a web application that needs to be deployed to a Java application server. The following steps outline the process:

  1. The Publisher uses its own Home folder: 
    Include Page
    . The location of 
    Include Page
     has to be supplied to the Publisher web application. This can be achieved by passing it as a property on the application server startup: -D
    Include Page
  2. Create folder for publisher configuration eg. C:/Publisher6/publisher.home (Windows) or /opt/publisher.home (Linux)
  3. Copy the files from Publisher installation zip /publisher.home to created the configuration folder and change them following chapter Configuration.

Tomcat 9.x

  • Create file TOMCAT_HOME/bin/setenv.bat or
  • Copy-paste following line (change publisher.home location accordingly, note the folder has no end slash):

Code Block
set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dpublisher.home=C:/Publisher6/publisher.home"
Code Block
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dpublisher.home=/opt/publisher.home"

  • Rename publisher-xxx.war to publisher.war and place in TOMCAT_HOME/webapps
  • Start server and go to http://host:port/publisher. You should see a login screen

JBoss EAP 7.4

  • Open JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.conf.bat or standalone.conf
  • Copy-paste following line (change publisher.home location accordingly, note the folder has no end slash):

Code Block
set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dpublisher.home=C:/Publisher6/publisher.home"
Code Block
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dpublisher.home=/opt/publisher.home"
  • Place publisher-xxx.war in JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments
  • Start server and go to http://host:port/publisher. You should see a login screen

Websphere Liberty Core 19.0.0.x

  • Create or open file WAS_HOME/usr/servers/defaultServer/jvm.options

    Creating the required databases

    You need to create a database

    Copy-paste following line (change publisher.home location accordingly, note the folder has no end slash):
    Code Block
    Code Block
    • Open file WAS_HOME/usr/servers/defaultServer/server.xml
    • Add tag: <httpSession idLength="28" />. Otherwise the log will show the error "Detected JSESSIONID with invalid length; expected length of 23, found 28" and you will not be able to login
    • Add tag: <application id="Publisher" location="publisher-xxx.war" name="Publisher" context-root="publisher" />. Change name of war file accordingly.
    • Place publisher-xxx.war in WAS_HOME/usr/servers/defaultServer/apps
    • Start server and go to http://host:port/publisher. You should see a login screen

    Creating the required databases

    You need to create a database for the Publisher itself, as well as a database for each environment that the Publisher needs to be able to publish to. For instance, a DTAP street requires a Publisher database as well as a database for the T (Test), A (Acceptance) and P (Production) environment.

    UI Text Box

    On the D (Development) environment it is advised that the Runtime has a direct connection to the Studio, so projects from the Studio can be run directly on the Runtime, without the need to use the Publisher. See overview.

    Creating the Publisher database

    Create a new database and execute the scripts present in the Publisher installation zip /dbscripts/publisher to create the database tables for the Publisher in the new database. 


    Creating an environment database

    Create a new database and execute the scripts present in the Publisher installation zip /dbscripts/publisher-client for each environment that you need to be able to publish to. It is possible to use entirely different database servers for each environment database.



    The configuration of the Publisher consists of setting the properties in the 

    Include Page
    , creating the required users and optionally configuring other database and logging settings.

    Publisher license 

    The license.aql file needs to be placed in the 

    Include Page

    Publisher settings (
    Include Page


    Include Page
     file, residing in the 
    Include Page
     folder, contains the configuration for the Publisher. The following properties need to be set.

    Location of the Studio

    The Publisher retrieves projects from Studio and then publishes them to other environments. Configure the location of the management service of the Studio so the Publisher can retrieve projects from it.

    Code Block
    # Example: 
    #studio.url= http://HOSTNAME:PORT/Studio/Server/Services/ManagementService
    # Beware that from Blueriq 16, only BASIC is supported. Use user federation in Keycloak instead

    Configuring the publisher database

    Provide the details for the connection to the Publisher database that you created earlier.

    Code Block
    #publisher.datasource.url: The URL on which to locate the database to connect to 
    #publisher.datasource.driverclassname: The JDBC driver class to use to connect to the database 
    #publisher.datasource.username: The username to use to connect to the database 
    #publisher.datasource.password: The password to use to connect to the database 
    titleNotice about SQL Server configuration

    When you configure a SQL Server (MS SQL) database please note that the connection string should contain 'encrypt=false' explicitly if you don't want to use a secure connection.

    Example: jdbc:sqlserver://<host>:<port>;databseName=<database name>;encrypt=false

    Configuring the environments

    For each environment, configure the connection to the database that you created earlier. The example shows the configuration of two environments (TEST and ACC).

    Code Block
    #database.NAME.jndi: if set, the publisher client will look up the datasource through JNDI, otherwise it will create the datasource itself and use the other database connection properties below
    #database.NAME.url: The URL on which to locate the database to connect to (only used when database.jndi has not been set)
    #database.NAME.driverclassname: The JDBC driver class to use to connect to the database (only used when database.jndi has not been set)
    #database.NAME.username: The username to use to connect to the database (only used when database.jndi has not been set)
    #database.NAME.password: The password to use to connect to the database (only used when database.jndi has not been set)
    #database.NAME.requires_approval: Indicates if the environment needs approval of an approver before the publish takes place. Default = true.
    #database.NAME.uncommitted_allowed: Indicates if uncommitted changes (the tip revision) can be published to this environment. Default = false.
    #database.NAME.sortvalue: An optional integer which is used to define the order in which the environments are listed in the Publisher frontend, lower values are listed before higher values. If no sortvalue is specified, environments are sorted by NAME (case insensitive).
    #Note that the NAME is the name used for your environment.

    Since Publisher 4.1 it is also possible to configure an environment which uses Artifactory PRO as a datasource. The example below shows the configuration of two environments (TEST and ACC).

    Code Block
    #artifactory.NAME.url: The URL on which to locate the Artifactory server
    #artifactory.NAME.repository: The repository in Artifactory where the models are stored
    #artifactory.NAME.username: The username to use to connect to the Artifactory server
    #artifactory.NAME.password: The password to use to connect to the Artifactory server
    #artifactory.NAME.requires_approval: Indicates if the environment needs approval of an approver before the publish takes place. Default = true.
    #artifactory.NAME.uncommitted_allowed: Indicates if uncommitted changes (the tip revision) can be published to this environment. Default = false.
    #artifactory.NAME.sortvalue: An optional integer which is used to define the order in which the environments are listed in the Publisher frontend, lower values are listed before higher values. If no sortvalue is specified, environments are sorted by NAME (case insensitive).
    #Note that the NAME is the name used for your environment.


    A transition defines a path from one environment to another. A publish action can only be executed on a defined transition, eg. to publish from Studio to TEST, the transition from Studio to Test needs to be defined.

    Code Block
    #transition.NAME.from=<source environment><destination environment>
    #The NAME field is an arbitrary name for the transition. The source environment and destination environment must be either one of the defined database names or the value studio.

    To create a transition from studio, the environment name 'studio' has always to be written entirely in lower case. Other environments may contain capitals but they have to match the name as defined in database.

    The transition name (the name after transition.<name>) must match case sensitive to the groups in studio.


    OAuth2 Client Credentials

    In order to use the Publisher it needs the following configuration. Otherwise the Publisher will give an error when starting up. These properties are relevant when using the Publisher REST API.

    Code Block
    oauth2.client-id=... (please specify the <client id>)
    oauth2.secret=... (please specify the <client secret>)

    Since Publisher 4.1 the password mechanism has changed. Please refer to Publisher 4.1 Upgrade Instructions.

    Hibernate settings (


    Include Page
     needs to be configured as follows. If the file does not exist, create it in the 
    Include Page

    Code Block
    # In case of connecting to an Oracle database server:
    # In case of connecting to an MS SQL database server:

    Logging (logback.xml)

    By default, the Publisher logs to the file publisher.log in the 

    Include Page
     folder. Logback is used for the logging configuration. You can override the default logging configuration by adding a logback.xml to the 
    Include Page
     folder. Below is an example.

    Code Block
    	<appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
    			<pattern>%d{dd-mm-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %40.40logger{40} - %msg%n </pattern>
    	<root level="info">
    		<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
    	<!-- Limit the org.springframework category to WARN as its DEBUG is verbose -->
    	<logger name="org.springframework" level="WARN" />
    	<logger name="org.hibernate" level="WARN" />
    	<logger name="org.apache.http" level="WARN" />

    Publisher users

    Users for the Publisher are defined in Studio and Keycloak and use Studio groups to define their role. The table below gives an overview of different Publisher roles and the groups in Studio associated with this role.

    Publisher roleStudio group
    publisherpublisher and one or more publisher_<transition> groups
    approverapprover and one or more approver_<transition> groups

    The publisher, approver and Investigator group need Login privileges. All other groups do not need any privileges.  FurthermoreFurthermore, the publisher and approver group need repository and branch access to the repositories that they need to publish projects from.


    Blueriq 15 Encore does not have Group access settings yet. Use User management in the old Studio client or manually edit RoleMappings.xml in the Studio installation directory instead.

    Define a user that can execute a publish action

    To define a user that can execute a publish action, create a user in Studio and associate this user with the publisher group, as well as each group that corresponds to a transition that this user needs to execute publish actions on. For example, user Paul needs to publish from Studio to TEST and from TEST to ACC. Then the user Paul has three groups in Studio:

    1. publisher
    2. publisher_studioTEST
    3. publisher_TESTACC
    UI Text Boxtype
    1. TESTACC

    Note that the group names of the transitions (publisher_<transition>) have to correspond with the transition name that you defined in 

    Include Page


    The investigator is a special role to check on the history of publish actions.


    PublisherAdministrator users are both publisher and approver and can even approve their own published projects. This is different from a user that has both the publisher and approver role, as that user still will not be able to approve its own published projects.


    You are advised to create separate users and roles with limited access to specific Encore repositories, do not make any Publisher group Encore Administrator!

    Accessing the Publisher web application