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Customerdata Service version 2.0.0 and up makes use of a RabbitMQ queue. Trace Event Publisher component version 11.3 and up makes use of a RabbitMQ queue.

The Customerdata Service  and the Trace Event Publisher can send events to a queue when data is changed. This queue can then be consumed by other systems that want to do something with the (changed) data. In order to let the Customerdata Service send events to a queue you need to install and configure this queue. On this page there is information available about how to setup and maintain this queue.

Table of Contents


In to order to

let the Customerdata service

publish an event, we first need to configure a queue in RabbitMQ to publish on.

Now in RabbitMQ we do not publish directly on the publisher, but on a so called Exchange. This Exchange than eventually delivers the message to the queue.

Blueriq suggests to use a multi-consumer setup, because there could be different type of systems to consume the events from the Customerdata service or the Trace Event Publisher.

Table of Contents

At this moment we use a publisher subscribe configuration:

Publish/subscribe: deliver a message to multiple consumers. First the Customerdata service or Trace Event Publisher will emit an event(publish) which will be consumed by all the other listeners that are subscribed to this queue.

Configure RabbitMQ through the management user interface:

  1. add an Exchange
    1. You are free to define a name for the exchange, please consider a functional name that it's clear what this exchange is for.


      Please note that we selected the Virtual host '/'. It is possible to configure multiple Virtual hosts on one RabbitMQ installation(more info). For production environments we would advise not to use multiple Virtual Hosts on one RabbitMQ server for performance reasons.

  2. Add a queue
    1. You are free to define a name for the queue, please consider a functional name that it's clear what this queue is for.
  3. Now bind the Exchange to the queue
  4. Configure the Customerdata service to use the queue: Configure Customerdata service as Queue Producer#ConfigurationProducer
  5. When configuring a production environment please see the RabbitMQ - production-checklist for additional settings (the settings above are the minimal settings needed to configure RabbitMQ for the Blueriq Customerdata events).

Clustering and High Availability

RabbitMQ has support for Clustering and high availability. For the Blueriq Customerdata service or the Trace Event Publisher as a publisher to the queue is does not matter how you configure these features on RabbitMQ as long as the Customerdata service can still publish the events to the queue, you as a customer are free to configure these features of RabbitMQ suitable to your requirements.


Please note: All published events by the Customerdata service should be consumable by all the listeners of the queue to make sure the "listening systems" stay consistent.

Information about the RabbitMQ clustering and high availability can be found here:

How to maintain the queue


In the RabbitMQ Management interface, go to queues and click on the queue that is just created ('CustomerDataService') to gain some insight.
Here you are able to see what is on the queue. It might be possible for messages to have a 'unacked' status. Whenever messages are unacked this means there is no application running that is consuming these messages. Make sure the application that should consume these messages is running.

For more information about troubleshooting see 'Configuration of a queueHow to troubleshoot'


To check if there are any upgrades possible, please check to following page: Upgrade 
Before doing so, consider making a backup


To create a backup go to the directory where RabbitMQ is installed (RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-<version>\sbin. From the commandline run rabbitmqctl eval 'rabbit_mnesia:dir().' or go to %APP_DATA%\RabbitMQ\db and backup this folder.
For more information on how to make a backup, please go to: backup


There is an option to get alerts/monitoring when something fails with RabbitMQ, this requires some work.
For more information on how to get alerts, please go to: and

How to troubleshoot

Queue does no longer accept messages

By default, RabbitMQ will not accept any new messages when it detects that it's using more than 40% of the available memory. The OS and file system use system memory to speed up operations for all system processes. Failing to leave enough free system memory for this purpose will have an adverse effect on system performance due to OS swapping, and can even result in RabbitMQ process termination.

Information about the RabbitMQ troubleshooting can be found here:

For a problem concerning aggregates, please contact the Blueriq helpdesksupport and please ensure sufficient information, like the aggregate / screenshots / log files.

Security settings

RabbitMQ's security is based on authentication and authorization. In other words, users need to have access rights to a queue, and need to have read and/or write permission to work with events on the queue. By default, the guest user that is automatically created when RabbitMQ server first starts up, is prohibited from connecting to the broker remotely; it can only connect over a loopback interface (i.e. localhost). This applies both to AMQP 0-9-1 and to any other protocols enabled via plugins. Any other users you create will not (by default) be restricted in this way.

This means that, customer data service or trace event publisher needs to be added as a user through RabbitMQ's management console.

This newly created user needs to have access to the relevant virtual host, otherwise the connection will be rejected.

Further, this newly created user needs to have access to the relevant exchange, known as topic permission in the management console.

RabbitMQ distinguishes between configure, write and read operations on a resource. The configure operations create or destroy resources, i.e. exchanges and queues, or alter their behaviour. The write operations inject messages into a resource. And the read operations retrieve messages from a resource. Since the customer data service pushes events on a queue the newly created user needs write permission.

In order to perform an operation on a resource the user must have been granted the appropriate permissions for it. In the figure below you can see a user guest that has been granted access to virtual host /, with read and write access to an exchange named CustomerDataService.

Permissions are expressed as a triple of regular expressions - one each for configure, write and read - on per vhost basis. The user is granted the respective permission for operations on all resources with names matching the regular expressions.

For more information on access control, please see
